Chapter 10

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Damon Salvatore

I fell to the ground too weak to even stand up straight, my mind was a fuzz and my sides felt like they were burning, but then everything got horrible clear as I heard the familiar thud of a body falling dead to the ground. I looked up and started feeling shock and pain as I stared into my Bella's dead eyes.

"No… NO!" I yelled, my body had healed and I crawled over to her.

"Bella! Bella." I said cradling her head in my lap; I could feel her broken neck… I felt tears well up in my now black eyes and I whirled around.

"You did this." I got up in a flash, feeling so much anger; I could see fear creeping into the wolf's eyes. Good.

"You're a dead dog." I growled and attacked wanting to make Jacob Black feel the pain I was feeling, the pain of Bella's dead eyes, looking back at me with no spark, no laughter, and no love. I punched the dog in the head and he whimpered. Even better.

And then I was surrounded by other wolves; one attacked and held me to the ground. Then Sam the alpha came to me in human form. I got up throwing the grey wolf into the nearest tree. But it was quikly up.

"Damon! Don't do this!" I heard him yell. I looked at him and I saw him cringe in fear.

"Don't do WHAT! Kill that SON OF A BITCH for killing her? Too Bad!" I snarled, I ran, my eyes on the brown wolf that stood behind the half naked man in my way.

"Damon!" I turned around to see Bella alive-that could only mean…

Bella Swan's Point of View

I gave a small gasp as I closed my eyes and opened them again sat up and looked around in shock. Wolves were all around me, and Sam was standing in front of Damon who looked murderous and in pain at the same time.

"Damon!" I yelled making him turn around in shock. And then he was next to me kneeling beside me.

He was staring at me his hands cupping my face. "You're alive."

I looked around scared, "I was dead?" I asked in a small voice.

"Let's get you out of here, come on." He picked me up bridal style. But then he stopped and turned back.

"You're a lucky dick, because if Bella hadn't had my blood in her system you wouldn't have lived to see the morning." I tightened my grip around as he continued.

"And guess what wolf boy- you can live the rest of your pathetic life knowing you're the one who killed Bella. Damning her like me. "

And then he was running.

Confusion filled me, I didn't know what was happening, and all I knew is that I was in Damon's arms. A while later I was being set on a couch I sat up straight and looked around to see that I was in my apartment.

My breathing was harsh, as I asked. "What happened? Damon- you and I we were at the reunion- then we were in the forest… and Jacob!-"

My eyes were locked o his as he rushed to me and pulled me into his embrace.

"Hey, calm down. Everything okay. Just hear me out for a sec," Not knowing what to say, I nodded and took a deep breath.

"What happened?" I asked quietly pulling away for him to see his face. He sighed heavily, his beautiful eyes filled with anger and regret.

"We were in the forest, you were trying to trick me into telling you where we were going to go for the honeymoon," He paused for a second a small smile appeared and disappeared as he continued.

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