Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries

Bella Swan's Point of View

I closed the door behind me- locking it and slid down to the floor. I put my hand over my mouth, and tried to calm my breathing down. I closed my eyes and tried to hear through the door.


Unexpectedly, the familiar numbness began to creep- and I welcomed it once again. I propped my elbows on my knees and stared ahead, trying to figure how, me- of all people, could get involved in such things. After what seemed like hours- but in reality only a few minutes I got up and turned the shower on.

After spending a lot of time scrubbing myself I had gotten out. I wiped the foggy mirror with my towel before wrapping it around myself. I glanced down at my neck and sighed. I had carefully washed the dry blood away, but I needed a band aid.

I wrapped my hair in another towel before walking outside. I looked around and saw that he was indeed gone, I looked at the bed and saw blood on my pillow- oddly I didn't feel scared of the blood- just so depressed. I sighed, and shook myself and I tried to do what I had to do- move on. I walked into the kitchen and froze.

Damon Salvatore's Point of View

I sat on the bed looking after her as she closed the door- that probably leads to the bathroom. I let my eyes travel across the bedroom. It was nice. Reminding me of the girl I just slept with.

Isabella Swan. Last night was amazing, and I had felt something that I had never felt before and I didn't know what to call it. And when I had first touched her, I had felt unfamiliar sparks fly through me. It was absolutely phenomenal, and I didn't want it to end. Being with her, being in her world- even just for one night, it had made all the difference in my world. (;D)

I snorted to myself. I was started to sound like one of Saint Stefan's diaries. And being that was not on my top priority list.

The pull that I had felt towards this human had grown, and over the night it been almost unbearable. And her blood, dangerous thoughts came to me as I thought of it.

I sat in her bed letting my thoughts wonder. This girl, it was like she had put a spell on me. I didn't want to leave. When I was with her I felt- for once in my life, like I was at…. home. And even before I was turned I had only felt like that when my mother was alive. I ran a hand through my hair and scowled. One night and this human was starting bringing out painful memories. I knew she wouldn't tell- like anyone would believe her- but if what she said was true about the Cold Ones, and even after leaving and hurting her she still kept their secret and I knew she would keep mine.

I quickly got dressed ready to leave and just forget when just then something fell out my pocket. I laid it in my hand. I stared at it for the longest time. I bit my lip before looking over to the bathroom door, a determined yet hopeful look on my face.

Bella's Point of View

I entered the kitchen and froze.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked. Damon was at the stove, cooking what looked like to be an omelet, or whatever.

"I am trying to cook you breakfast." He said casually. I giggled, putting a hand over my mouth at the mess.

He rolled his eyes, "Okay failing. Me and breakfast don't mesh together." I gave him a small smile before turning off the stove. I started to look for a band aid when Damon asked what I was doing. He was leaning against the counter drinking what looked like to be black coffee.

"Just trying to find a band aid, to cover you're so called 'love bite'." He smirked, he then bit his wrist and pushed it into my mouth, gently- but yet rough enough. I struggled looking at him bewildered. "Drink." He said in a bored voice. With a look of disgust I drank his blood, but what made it somewhat bearable was staring into Damon's eyes, just letting me forget what I exactly drinking.

He pulled his hand away I collapsed coughing. I wiped his blood off my mouth slowly. But then my hand lingered at my neck feeling the smooth skin. I shuddered. I then blushed a brilliant red as I picked up the towel.

"Shut up." I muttered as he chuckled, his eyes traveling along my very red skin. "Red suits you- everywhere." And then he smirked againas I blushed. I wrapped the towel around me walking into my room before muttering. "You did that on purpose." I could hear his laughter through the door.

I sighed and got dressed. Ironically I chose a tightly fitted red button down shirt that ended at my elbows. I left the first few buttons open, wearing with a pair of black skinny jeans; I wore a black vest along the shirt. I chose a couple of long black and silver necklace chains with a bunch of cute charms to go with today's outfit.

I brushed my long hair pulling my bangs out of my face with a small shiny clip. I applied some eyeliner and kohl to my eyes leaving the lip gloss for when I was done with breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to see Damon there sitting on the small round table with his feet up. His widened as he looked at me. He then let his eyes shoot over me. "I was right- of course." He said smirking.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I started to put away his failed breakfast. I then pulled out things to make homemade waffles.

"Red looks hot on you, honey." He said, sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes. I then sighed heavily and turned to him. "Damon, why are you still here?" I asked exasperated. I looked at me for a minute before answering with harsh groan. "Okay, look I don't usually do this with my snacks but would you like to go on a date?"

"Why? Because I'm a tasty blood bag?" I asked a little amused as I set a plate in front of him and me. I figured he could eat after seeing him drinking his coffee a minute ago. He gave a short laugh before answering with a grin, "Well, yeah. But I have to say that you're the most interesting blood bag I've ever met."

I couldn't help myself, I laughed, "Is this how you're going flirt with me?"

"Depends. Do you wanna go out- say dinner?" He asked leaning across the table, I sighed tiredly, closing my eyes so I wouldn't see his mesmerizing blue crystals.

"I don't know Damon." I said after a while. I played with a strand of my hair looking to the side. "I have a lot of baggage." I added quietly.

"Well, I was practically born with baggage." He muttered his eyes blank. "You're very good at that." I said letting my eyes rest on his emotionless face. "A perfect façade…" I mused.

"Perks of being a bad ass vampire. All human emotions just shuts off- like that." He said sarcastically snapping his fingers.

I snorted at the irony. "I wished had that ability. Would have saved me a lot of mornings in front of the mirror." I said stirring my own caffeine drink, for once in the morning wanting something stronger. A silence clouded the room. We were in our own thoughts, making it not an uncomfortable one.

And I thought about Damon. When we touched- just like when I held his hand or something I felt like a part of me- that felt like it was living underneath a body of water- come for a breath of fresh air. It felt impossible good, and it wasn't just because of what we did last night, just talking with him, laughing and being in his presence it was astonishing. And I didn't want it to end. I heard him ask me out me again. So I took a deep breath along with a leap of faith and a prayer above, that Damon Salvatore would not carve another hole into me and answered.

"I'd like that."

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