Chapter 7

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Chapter 7



SO here is chapter 7! I hope you guys enjoy and again thank you to all who reviewed, about half of you guys guessed right.


Bella Swan's Point of View


"Jacob." I simply stated getting off Damon's back. I grabbed Damon's hand a squeezed it hard as I saw his eyes narrow dangerously.

"Bells? Is that you- you look- wow… I mean you look so different…" He trailed off. I wasn't the only one who looked different. He had gotten way bigger and in my opinion he looked way taller than any normal 21 year old guy.

"Yeah…" I cleared my throat and looked down tying to control the water works and tingles of pain in my chest. I let go of Damon's hand and wrapped my arms around me. Unfortunately for Jacob, Damon noticed this.

"I'm Damon Salvatore, Bella's boyfriend. And you must be…" He said casually, but with my hearing I could see that he was acting. Jacob looked at him and said in a kind of a polite voice, "Jacob Black."

"Ah, so your Jacob." Damon said and the next thing I knew Jacob was sprawled on at the doorstep his nose oozing blood, and obviously broken.

"Damon!" I yelled turning around to see a satisfied smirk on his face. He looked at me with an 'innocent' expression. "What? Come on, Bella you know I could have done worse, you should be proud at my restraint, honey." I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. I was about to say something-

"What the hell? You- you hurt me!" He exclaimed his eyes wide and his mouth wide open. I looked at my eyebrows raised at his wording. "Wow, he's stupid too." He said leaning against the door smirking. "I don't know what possessed you to go near this guy, Cara."

"Don't you 'Cara' me Damon Salvatore!" I said poking him in the chest. "Come on, it's not my fault your Ex can't take a punch." I huffed, "He's not my EX!"

I turned to Jacob to see he was on his feet glaring at Damon, who looked amused at the death look Jacob was giving him. "What the hell was that for you bastard?" He said through his teeth. I felt my right eye twitch and I slapped him. Hard.

I let a small yell as I fell to my knees cradling my broken wrist. Damon was at my side in an instant. "Are you alright?"

"No." I said between my teeth.

"I figured as much, come on let's get you inside." I heard, I had shut my eyes close, it hurt like hell.

"I'll carry her." I heard Jacob offer, Damon scoffed, "Like the hell you will." He swiftly carried me, bridal style, inside and set me on the counter top. I sighed in relief and opened my eyes as I felt a pouch of ice on my wrist. "Thanks." I said to Damon who I kissed soundly on the cheek.

"You're welcome, though it's kind of my fault. I hit the hardhead first." He said taking a careful look at my hand. "Hey, last time I checked my boyfriend was not a bastard." I said firmly causing him to smile softly, which was rare. He then turned to the side, "Speaking of which why are you still here?" He asked rudely.

With difficulty he ignored Damon and looked at me. "I'm sorry about your wrist." I spared him a glance. "Whatever." He scowled and continued to talk, "Listen we need to talk."

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk you," Damon said leaning against the counter cradling my hand; I knew he was waiting for Jacob to leave so that he could give me some of his blood.

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