Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything, I do not own The Vampire Diaries Nor Twilight, if I did I would have Damon finally happy and in love- whether it was Elena or Bella. Or some other girl that's as awesome as him. :D

Bella Swan Point of View


The sun was shining beautifully and harmlessly onto my bare skin. I laughed brightly loving the pure warmth of it.

"DAMON!" I yelled jumping on him effectively awaking him up. I straddled him as he exclaimed "Whoa!" sitting up. Before he could focus and say anything else I kissed him fully on his mouth. I pulled away and smiled. He looked a little frazzled though still handsome as usual.

"Good morning." I said brightly.

"Morning sunshine… I'm guessing that the ring worked?" He asked smirking, his eyes looking to the open window and back on me.

"Duh!" I said wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back happy that I was happy. I pulled away and kissed him.

After that I pulled away and laughed a little, "Wow, almost getting burned to crisp really makes one hungry."

He chuckled, "And getting jumped on my newly turned vampire really makes me tired." He said laying down pulling me with him.

I squirmed out of his embrace, "Well I'm not." I said jumping out of bed. I hummed to myself as I pulled on my undergarments, along with cute striped hoodie that included a front pocket, I wore dark wash jeans along with them and I brushed my hair letting it out in natural waves. It was still damp from my shower I took last night to wash away the curls. I added a sliver clip, pulling my bangs out of my eyes. I also added a couple of sliver bracelets and cute charm one and of course I wore my engagement ring and my sun/soul mate ring. And with that I was done. I figured I would put on some make up if we were going anywhere.

I then entered the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed face, before going back into our bedroom.

"Cute outfit." I heard Damon say.

I turned to him and smiled, "Are you getting up soon?"

He was still lying down, and the only answer I got was him putting a pillow on his head. I then heard a muffled, "Maybe."

I shrugged and skipped out of the room and into the kitchen. I made myself a quick cup of coffee and sat down at the table. My kitchen was modern with dark elegant brown cupboards. I had my own island connecting to the counter and behind that I had a small table for 4. And across from south wall I had a nice living room, with two couches and a loveseat, along with a flat screen and other furniture décor that had caught my eye.

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall opposite of me and saw that it 9:44. I tried out my vampire hearing and I could hear the shower going on. I stretched and drank more coffee; the caffeine was calming my nerves somewhat. I shrugged; must be a vampire thing.

I sighed and pulled out my laptop and opened my files and e-mail, I hummed to myself again as I read an e-mail that my boss's sectary, Mary, had sent me. I grumbled to myself as I read the subjects she wanted due by tomorrow night.

I closed my laptop and leaned back, I would do it later after whatever Alice plans had for me and Damon.

A couple minutes later I got up and made a quick cup of coffee for Damon, knowing that if it was reversed he would do the same for me. I set it down and looked at the clock again as Damon walked in wearing his usual dark jeans and fitted v-neck black shirt, along with his black boots. His hair was damp from his shower making him look even more handsome than ever.

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