Don't take my memories~Drier

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Three years earlier
Drew's PoV
   "Where are we going shaney?" I pleaded desperately, yet the taller boy in the drivers seat just kept driving, his gaze focused straight ahead at the road before us, looking as though he may burst into fits of tears at any second, though, he had looked like that for some time now and he was yet to shed a single tear. I had just asked him the same question that I had been asking him ever since we got in the car and set off driving early this morning yet all he had done since then was ignore me and told me to be quiet throughout the whole journey, not seeming to mind the fact that I was left completely in the dark as to what was going on

. Even though I had left my phone back at the apartment in my haste to leave with Shane, and therefore had no way to see how much time had passed since we had first set off, I could sense that it had at least been two hours and I was beggining to tire of just sitting in the car and of staring out of the window at the world passing by us. I had no clue where we were headed and with every slow second that passed by, my anxiety levels rose and I was physically shaking in my seat, tears set in my eyes, though Shane hadn't looked at me enough at me to even notice my extremely panicked state.

Ever since yesterday, Shane had been acting highly weird around me and last night, once he had thought I was in a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up, he dragged himself out of our shared double bed and down the hallway to our messy living room. Using my nimble feet and sneaky senses to my advantage, as well as my skinny, light frame, I had followed him carefully, undetected by my timids watchful green eyes. He paced the living room for hours on end whilst he spoke on the phone to a whole host of different people, speaking so quietly that I couldn't even tell what their conversations were about, yet, from the way he had snuck off yesterday to make those calls and the way he was acting today, I could tell it hadn't been about anything good. I had a bad feeling about this whole thing, yet I didn't voice my opinion to Shane, too scared of his reaction to even dare speak up when he was in a mood such as this one, when he would barely acknowledge my existence. It was very rare that Shane was in such a bad mood and when he was, I knew to stay out of his way and avoid all conflict. Also, whenever he was in this mood, he usually had to tell me some form of bad news, which made those days even worse. I hated bad news, as I liked to always look on the bright side of things.

Shane sighed softly to himself once he heard my frail voice speak up again, despite his many protests for me to stay quiet, yet he didn't seem annoyed at me for once, merely himself. His eyes slowly flitted up to the hanging mirror and he gazed at me through it, possibly for the first time since we had even set off, as he had been uneasily avoiding my gaze all morning; another sign that something was horribly wrong. Shane usually stole every opportunity he could to look over at me, or so our friends stated, many tines. They always reassured me that Shane loved me, yet lately, it was growing impossible to tell whether they were telling the truth or not, as things had been so tense between the two of us lately, for reasons unknown to me, especially last night...

Once he caught sight of my huddled, decrepit figure in the rear view mirror, sat in a defensive position, with my legs pulled up tightly against my small chest and my pointed chin rested on top of my knees so that I could protect myself from any unseen attacks, his expression softened slightly and he shot me a reassuring smile in the mirror, before he turned his eyes back to the road ahead and opened his mouth to speak.

"You know who I am, don't you Drewie? You do remember me today, right?" Shane questioned me softly, his eyes once more flickering to me in the rear view mirror as he looked at me carefully, as though trying to assess me for any damage. His eyes held fear though I couldn't understand why he looked so scared all of a sudden, when just a moment ago he had looked annoyed at himself. Shane wasn't scared of anything, not even the monster that I was convinced was going to get me from the horror movies. He was fearless so if something was terrifying enough to scare my shaney, I really did have no chance. I was scared of everything, especially if my timid wasn't there to protect me, hence the reason we always stuck together.

Don't take my memories~Drier Where stories live. Discover now