Chapter one-I'm Learning Real Fast

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Kier's PoV
"Laurenceeeeee! Laurenceeeee! LAURENCEEEEEEE!" I screamed loudly as I ran around the whole of our small flat, looking desperately around for my panda so that I could finally tell him my exciting news; news that I had been waiting anxiously for the past few days. At times, I'm sure my obsession with finding out this news had gotten rather annoying for my boyfriend Laurence, as I would jump up and down excitedly on his lap whilst bombarding him with hyper questions, such as, "do you think they will call? Do you think I got? I hope I did get it, don't you panda? Fuck, this is exciting!". The whole way throughout that particular ordeal Laurence had protested wholeheartedly and had tried, many times, to push my small body out of his Lap, yet, due to how excited and worked up I had got myself over something that I didn't even know was happening for sure, I wouldn't calm down and eventually Laurence admitted defeat and let me do whatever the hell I wanted, hence the reason the flat was in a mess that Laurence would probably end up cleaning.

Luckily, by now, Laurence was used to this excited side of me that came with good news, mostly related to my study and career plan at the moment, and he still hadn't left me for it, even though it had happened many times before this, therefore giving him plenty of reasons to leave me. After all, me and Laurence had been together for around three years now and those three years had been the best of my life for that particular reason, which meant that sometimes, I would become incredibly hyper and happy and turn into a right pain in the ass. Yet, my panda didn't seem to mind it deep down, as he never protested about it for too long and, despite what he would say on the contrary, when I was in a hyper mood such as that, his eyes would instantly flicker to me and an amused smile would cross his pale lips, his eyes filled with love and admiration; all for me and excitable nature.

A few moment after my annoying screaming for Laurence had subdued, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, signalising that Laurence had been upstairs, (writing his grandomina story probably), and I let out a little squeal at finally being able to tell him my exciting news. Even though I had only found out around an hour or two prior, just before I left my university for the day, it had seemed like it had been so much longer than that, mostly as I had been itching with anticipation to tell Laurence all about it as soon as I had been told. I had considered texting him about it yet I realised, the moment would be so much more magical if I told him in person and could therefore see his face light up in pride at my news.

When we were younger and my dreams of becoming a doctor seemed near impossible due to my agonising dyslexia , Laurence had always stated to me that if I managed to get the harsh grades I needed to get into a university, even if it was just a shitty one, he would be overwhelmed with pride for me. Yet, I had somehow managed to do so much more than that, and, due to my copious amount of studying and revision in high school, I had secured myself the top grades that I needed to get into any university and the next autumn, I had started at university, trying to get my degree to become a doctor. Now, two years later, my dreams were still going on track and within a few years, all my professors said they could see my getting the job of a doctor. Sure, some people in my class did much better written work than me yet in practicals, I out shined them all. Or so my teachers said.

After a few more seconds, the door to the living room slung open and Laurence made his way into the room, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he did so, signalising that I hadn't in fact interrupted his writing, but rather his weird sleeping pattern that came with writing all night. I mentally apologised for waking him up, yet I knew that once he knew why I had woken him up, he would soon forgive me and the grumpy look would disappear from his face, replaced by a look of pride that his boyfriend had actually achieved something.

"Oh for fucks sake kier, what is it this time? You know I barely got any sleep last night because I was writing again, so was it really necessary to wake me up the moment you arrived home from university? If you woke me up because you can't find the fucking cookies, I swear to god, I will actually scream at you" Laurence muttered darkly as he glared at me, yet not even Laurence's glare could wipe the infectious smile off my face, at least, not today.

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