Chapter Twenty Nine-We'll Find Another Way

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an: This chapter doesn't have quite the effect I wanted it to have, but I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think in the comments. Sorry if the flashback is unclear, I'm not sure whether I've done the italics right on my laptop
Lucifer xoxo

Drew's PoV
Blonde, long hair, hanging low against his face, unkept and slightly scruffy, as usual. It never failed to amaze me how he cold see when his beautiful, hazel eyes were completely covered by his ashy mop. Those eyes were piercing right now, staring at me as though they had never seen anything so beautiful in a thousand years. I knew they had, when he looked in the mirror for instance, but I loved how he could make me feel like that, like I was truly special, like I was truly beautiful.

He appeared behind me and wrapped his strong arms around my skinny waist as a quiet yawn left his mouth.

"Why are you even up this early?" the male giggled quietly, his morning voice sending a shiver down my back as I set myself to making him a wakeup coffee.

"It's almost noon silly, which sort of meant you had to get up as your parent will be back soon" I answered happily in reply, chuckling slightly as I poured some boiling water into his favourite mug and passed it to him, causing the pout to melt from his face.

"Hmm, yes, I forgot about that. This is really good by the way" he exclaimed, gesturing to the coffee. I smirked to myself proudly, knowing that he wanted more than anything to know my secret ingredient.

"Think less about trying to weedle my secret ingredient out of me and more about your parents arriving home in less than an hour. You know what they'll be like if they knew I was here" I said the last part sadly, as I pushed myself away from the counter and into the males warm, embracing arms.

"I don't see why they cant just accept us" he whispered sadly, resting his head on top of my own. I know this issue still bothered him deeply, but in a way, after being too scared to come out to anyone for years, we were both experts at sneaking around. After all, we had been an item for three years and my parents had only been told a few months prior that I was in a relationship, with another man.

"Maybe one day baby" I whispered longingly, as the scene began to disappear behind me.

I bolted straight up on the bed, sweat pouring out of my temple. That was one of the few memories of my life before the hospital I had been able to salavage from the wreckage that was my brain, but never had the details been so clear. Even now, a few seconds after the flashback, I could recollect every detail of the room we were in, of the conversation we had, whereas before, the things I had witnessed would blur as soon as the moments was over, leaving me uncertain as to exactly what I had seen, but this had left me certain. The guy from my dreams was real, and from what I could decipher he was my partner and had been something dear to me even before that. That meant there was someone out there for me, someone who still cared. Maybe they could be my key out of here.

The minute the door opened, I bound over to it, thankful to see Kier standing there, just so that I coud share this information with him. I needed to tell somebody, anybody, just to make it seem more real. Finally, I had someone to care for me!

"Kier, you will never belive what has happened?" I squealed as I threw myself on to him

Kier's PoV

"Drew calm down, whatever it is, I'm sure you don't need to bombard me with it the moment I walk through the door" I complain loudly as I manage to pry myself free of Drew's unexpected grip, expecting the younger male to look up at me with his usual puppy dog eyes at me pushing him away, but his smile cluelessly remained etched on his face.

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