Chapter Eleven-Tears Hang In My Throat

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An;; I know I haven't put much Laurence and Shane in this, and I sincerely apologise for that, but the storyline I chose doesn't allow space for many characters, and whilst I wanted to make it drier, I also wanted Luke to have a big part. I promise Shane has a large part nearer the end of the story and this chapter is focused predominantly on Laurence and kier! I'm sorry for the way I portray many of the characters in this, but I don't think of them this way in real life. This is merely a story, and I just wanted to make that clear before the story starts revealing its secrets. Thanks to everyone who have read so far, and enjoy!
Lucifer xoxo

Kier's PoV
"Kier, would you either fucking come to bed and cuddle me or give me back my fucking laptop so I can write! It's half eleven at night and I don't see what could possibly be so important at this time of night" Laurence sighed loudly, yet I could barely hear the annoying sounds of his dramatic moaning as I hurriedly typed away at the keyboard and began scrolling down the results page on Google, trying desperately to find a website that would help solve my queries. I had been searching all night for the same thing, ever since I got home from work and took the laptop from Laurences bare hands and began using the device for my personal searches, yet so far I had found nothing of any interest, or any relevance, other than the Luke's number, due to the fact that he was apparently renowned for his work on memory disorders, which was overly frustrating. All I had wanted was information on Drew's condition, yet I knew from experience that asking anything like that of the great doctor would be a grave mistake, so I had hastily took to the online server, hoping that it would provide me with the results I so desperately needed.

By this time of night, after five hours of helpless searching and finding virtually nothing, I was more than ready to quit and go cuddle with my panda in our warm,cosy bed and forgetting about the situation at hand. However, the sheer determination of making Drew smile spurred me on more than anything else ever had done, and even at eleven o'clock at night, the overly intense feeling still had my aching, painful fingers flying over the small keys and my tired eyes scanning through the search results, searching frantically for any little tibbet of information I may have missed during my previous searches, due to my haste to help the younger boy. I did not want to cure him in any way, and I knew that idea was way too advance for someone of my station; I just wanted to know the best way to handle him and reassure him if he got that way again, so that I wouldn't have to call in the doctors and watch frightfully as they scared the frail boy, being able to do nothing to stop their advances.

I knew that there had to be something, somewhere, about Drew's condition, even if it was merely a name that I could use to professionally categorise the disorder, yet I couldn't even find that. I had typed in all the known symptoms I had collected about Drew's condition and typed them hopelessly into goggle a thousand times over, yet it was as though the computing wizards of today's advanced society, who had all so stupidly managed to write endless articles about pointless subjects that held no consequence to anyone, had developed a blind spot to Drew and his condition, as no matter where I searched, nothing cropped up. In fact, I was starting to believe that whole world had a blind spot when it came to drew, as no one even seemed to recognise his presence and nobody from his old life had stepped forward to claim him as theirs.

"Just five more minutes" I found myself muttering out drearily in response, not even having the strength to tear my wide eyes away from the backlit laptop screen for enough time to look at my boyfriend whilst I addressed him. This probably didn't help his thunderous mood, yet at this moment in time, I couldn't care less as to what he thought of me, or how much my actions irked him. He had no reason to act like this, I had decided much earlier on in the evening when Laurence's moaning had first started. He didn't deserve to act so wounded all the time over the smallest, most insignificant things when people like Drew were suffering from so much more.

"You said that five minutes ago, and five minutes before that. You said that at half fucking nine, which was two hours ago. I've been patient kier, which is more than you deserve after you stole my laptop, but now I've had enough. What could be so important that you need to research it now?" Laurence thundered from his seated position beside me, and for a moment I considered ignoring his rage and resuming with my work as though nothing was amiss, as the whole situation with Drew had already left me broken inside enough without Laurence starting an argument with me. However, my boyfriend had always been rather insensitive where my feelings were concerned and I knew that now he wouldn't drop the issue until I either fought back and for once won my case, or until he got his one way and I discarded the laptop to flock to his side. I sighed quietly, and tried to calm my voice so as not to infuriate him more.

"I know, but this is taking longer than I thought it would. I won't be much longer now, I promise, and I'll make it up to you once I'm done baby. I'm just doing some medical research, that's all" I smiled, putting on my best baby voice and puppy dog eyes in the hopes that my boyfriend would find he action cute enough to let his anger subside and give me another half an hour before he dragged me upstairs, with the laptop safely deposited downstairs, on the high shelf that was out of my reach. For a moment, Laurence's expression softened slightly at the sight of my famous puppy dog eyes and signature pout, until his eyes darkened once more and his smile turned into a deep frown.

"You've been at the hospital all day to study medicine! Surely that's enough! If that doctor can't teach you what he needs you to know during the eight hours a day you're there, then you clearly took the wrong internship. It's bad enough that you came straight home from work without even saying hello and took the laptop from my hands, but I will not have you on the fucking thing all night" Laurence snapped, his angry tone making me flinch in the same way it always did. On the odd occasion Laurence used this voice, I would instantly abide to his wishes and do my best to make him smile again, yet just at the thought of what had happened today with Drew, I clutched the laptop tighter and slowly shook my head.

"Well excuse me for having an interest other than you! You spend all your time writing on this thing anyway, so either way, we wouldn't have spent a minute together tonight" I argued back immediately, whimpering slightly as I noticed how contorted Laurence's face had gotten, as the rage began to slowly but surely consume him like a fire. When he got like this, there was no reasoning with him and usually I would find myself hopelessly going along with what he wanted, terrified that if I didn't, I would cause a terrible conflict between the pair of us. I knew that right now that smart thing to do would be to hand the laptop back meekly to Laurence and go upstairs to cuddle with him, so that he would slowly calm down from his unpredictable state, which would ensure us both happiness for a while and salvage our broken relationship for a while longer. Yet I knew I had to do this, and so I tried my best to ignore his icy glare as I turned my attention back to the laptop and once more began typing in some of the symptoms Drew had shown.

"ITS MY LAPTOP AND I CAN SPEND MY TIME HOWEVER THE HELL I WANT. DONT YOU DARE EXPECT ME TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING TO ME, YOU STUPID RED HAIRED HYPOCRITE. NOW GET OFF MY LAPTOP AND GET OUT OF MY SIGHT" Laurence roared, though instead of the sound filling me with an instant dread, the sound only spurred me on and I smiled with a certain sense of defiance as I continued to type, acting as though I was completely unfazed by Laurence's cruel words.

"KIER, IM WARNING YOU" Laurence shrieked and merely a minute later, a large arm reached for the laptop and yanked it ferociously from my arm and slammed the lid shut with a loud thud, that left me in complete shock of whether the screen would be broken. Never had I seen Laurence act with such anger, especially towards his laptop, which many knew to be his most prized possession. Even when he'd been moaning at me to get off the device previously when I had stolen it, on many separate occasions, he had never gone so far as to snatch the thing from my grasp and scare the living daylights out of me. I instantly teared up and turned to look at Laurence, hoping for his expression to be bleeding apologies and for him to instantly provide an explanation, yet all I was met with were cold, hard, angry eyes that seemed to be burning a hole into my soul.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, GET OUT!" Laurence screamed, and that was the only words I needed to hear before I fled from the room and flew up the stairs, desperately trying to hold my tears in as I rounded the corner of the landing and flung myself into the bedroom, hurriedly locking the door behind me to separate myself from Laurence and his anger.  Only then did I let the tears fall and as I cried, I found myself wishing for one person-Drew.

He didn't even know who I was anymore.

That thought only made me cry harder and on the other side of the locked door, I was pretty sure I heard Laurence crying too.

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