Chapter Twelve-Lock Away Your Pride

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An;; thank you to everyone who has read/voted/ commented so far, and I hope you like it. This fic is finally starting to get onto the right storyline, which I'll apologise in advance for, I'm starting to feel confident that it isn't too awful. I'm sorry for how I present characters in this. Enjoy
Lucifer xoxo

Drew's PoV
"Drew, you do understand what happened yesterday, don't you? You do understand what this means for your disorder, don't you?" Luke checked cautiously, though as my gaze caught a beautiful white bird swooping around the air through the glass pane of the window, I barely concentrated on the words the great doctor was uttering to me, knowing that I would be far more content staring at the bird than I ever would be listening to his many, never ending lectures. I found it easy to daydream when Luke spoke, especially when it came to talking confidentially about my memory problems, which I always wanted to forget completely, so my mind would often wonder to the window in these desperate times and start searching for something of great beauty to lock my attention on, so that I wouldn't have to cope with the awful pain of Luke talking about yesterday's horrific incident, and what that would sadly mean for my course of treatment over the next few weeks.

Of course, I was already fully aware of what had happened to my yesterday and how my faulty memory had acted up, as all people had done was bring it up insensitively since I woke up, desperately wanting to know if I could recollect the said moment when I completely lost control and started screaming and crying in front of a hospital student, just because I assumed in my confused, forgetful state that I hadn't met them, and that they were trying to hurt me. Yer I didn't even bother to say anything to Luke as I thought his question was rather stupid given the circumstances, and I had grown rather tired of answering questions this morning, as that was all the long, dreary hours of my morning had been filled with. Every doctor wanted to know what had happened personally, Luke included, and their questioning had been relentless. All I wanted now was to rest and speak to Kier, like I usually did in my lunch, yet Luke had rudely barged in and insisted that he needed to hear this particular tale from my mouth, rather than from another doctor.

"Drew, you completely zoned out. That's the third time this month that you've had your forgetful moment, and it only seems to be getting worse. This time, you couldn't even remember the doctors who served you, me, or even your own name! Do you know neat this means? It means you're a danger! If you freak out like that again, Drew, during your forgetful moments, you could seriously hurt someone and if it gets to that stage of danger, I will not hesitate to stick the syringe into your arm myself and administer the sedative until you come to your senses again" the great doctor growled in response to himself once he realised that I wasn't going to answer it myself. His tone held anger and whilst a day ago it would have scared me, I could do nothing now but stare dejectedly out of the dirty window and wish to be the majestic white bird outside it, so that I could magically sprout wings at a moments notice and fly away from this dreadful place, and the dreadful operations and oppression that came with it. If I left, I would escape the controlling, needy doctors and the overbearing nurses, and flee to a place where my memory would never be a problem that needed desperately to be solved again, and where I wouldn't get threatened with sedatives and put to sleep with a syringe every time I should the slightest bit of individuality. I would go to a place where I could be free and happy, and where none of this stuff would matter, least of all Luke's opinion.

"I couldn't help it Luke. I didn't know what I was doing, I was just alone and scared and I wasn't myself. I was placed in a situation where I thought I knew no one and I was petrified. Can you really blame me for acting out in such a way?" I instantly argued back, hoping that my carefully put words would help calm the doctor down and force him to see sense, yet my defiance only seemed to anger him more, and he let out a frustrated sign before he sprang up from his chair and positioned himself directly in front of me, so that I couldn't even move from the scene if things became too much. I gulped lightly at the great doctor being so close to me, but he merely smirked before he put his face closer to mine, so that we were staring into each other's eyes, and I could clearly see all the hate he held inside for me at that moment in time, which only terrified me more.

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