Chapter Thirteen-Live On In Regret

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An;; hi! I'd just like to thank everyone for reading this far and for voting. This story may seem as though it's moving a little too fast and as though the characters problems are about to be resolved, but I promise that's not the case. Sorry for the late update, I'm doing some revision for science GCSEs and that's been taking up a lot of my free time, as well as catching up on game of thrones. Please let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments. Also, if it's not too much trouble, I would really love it if you could check out my new timids story "the purest souls". It's quite different from stuff I usually write. Enjoy!

Kier's PoV
I kept my head bowed and my tear filled gaze concentrated on the tiled floor as I slowly made my way up to Drew's ward, trying not to let out a small sob during certain stages of my confusing journey at the terrifying thought of what had just happened and of Lukes threat. The words the once kind man had spoken had chilled me to the bone and had made my figure involuntaryly shrink away from him and his cool, commanding voice that spoke such sharp words the instant the great doctor had first uttered his threats, and even now, my nerves had not fully recovered from the bizarre encounter, leaving me with a slight shake. He was the man I had once considered to be my friend; a man who had once been a great influence of my life, who I had seen as a great idol, yet today I had been introduced to a completely different side of him to the doctor I had thought I knew so well, and I detested it with a fiery passion.

Before this point in the grand scheme of things, I had seen the hospital in a bright, positive light but after the sudden revealing of Lukes true characteristics, I was finally starting to notice the cracks that were beginning to appear around me, which I knew were far too severe to go away over night with the simple flick of a magic wand, if at all. This hospital wasn't what I thought it was and now that I fully concentrated on the scenes around me and stopped expecting it to be perfect, I could sense a bad feeling hanging over the hospital like a raging storm cloud that would explode any minute, bringing untold misery and fear with it.

My sacred haven of learning and saving innocent lives had turned into a place of death and decay, where so much as uttering a word out of line of against dr illingworths apparent regime could get you severely hurt, or even exiled from the large, white building that appeared to be full of life, yet seemingly extinguished life. No longer did I see confident doctors who walked around proudly, their smiles bursting with pride due to their many achievements; merely decrepit, mourning people who were shaking under their overbearing lab coats as they resolutely accepted their failures, knowing better than to speak up about their worries. No longer did I look through the glass window of a ward and become overwhelmed with pride by the huge amount of ill patients battling for their lives, only disheartened by those who had already given up and lay in bed awaiting the end to come, whilst their tearful family sat beside the, and began to make the dreaded funeral arrangements. My rose coloured glasses that came with high expectations and dreams had finally been snapped off me, and I had finally come to the conclusion that something was dreadfully wrong here, and that it was no coincidence.

To make things worse, there had been so many warning signs for Lukes behaviour and the true side of the hospital that had been right in front of me since the start of my work there, yet the promise of completeimg my childish dream had completely obscured my view on that, when I should have come to this conclusion weeks prior to this moment. I had barely even stopped to question the bizarre circumstances which Drew was held in, I had merely accepted it as a fact due to Lukes reassuring words towards the touchy subject. He had justified the desicion to keep Drew secluded from the other patients due to Drew's incredibly shyness, yet surely that couldn't be the reason. These days hospitals were so cramped that most patients couldn't even get an appointment or a room unless it was a dire emergency, so there was no way a hospital board of governors would agree to using a whole section of the hospital to house one patient, on the simple grounds that they were a little shy around unknown people .

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