Chapter five-what use is the truth?

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Kiers PoV
I grinned once I finally managed to find my way out of the hospital, with my ID badge still in tact, even though the awful nurse had threatened to take it from me for clumsily stumbling into the wrong section of the hospital; by mistake, of course. Luckily, Luke had been close by and, once he heard the commotion the screaming nurse had been causing as she screamed abuse at me, he had rushed over to us and somehow managed to calm the manic dispute between the two of us, using his calm and charismatic nature that most people at the hospital seemed to fall for instantly, clearly seeing him as an authority figure. He vouched honestly for me and told the nurse that it was his fault I had ended up there, as he hadn't given me proper directions to get out of the place. after that, my ID badge had hastily been handed back to me and both Luke and the sullen nurse had exclaimed that they were looking forward to seeing me back at the hospital the following day, though I was sure that the nurse had only said that for Luke's sake, rather than my own.

However, a small part of me couldn't help but fret and be slightly frightful, even though my day had gone brilliantly on the whole, and I had learned a lot. A small part of me was worrying about the young boy who I had spotted crying and whose room I had managed to stumble upon accidentally in my happy daze, the one who I had scared so much that he had to be whisked off, to an unknown room of the hospital by the evil nurse, as he shook frightfully and sobbed his heart our, clearly in a state of extreme shock after mine and the nurses lots, unruly row. It had both terrified me and made me feel incredibly sorry for the sobbing boy that he had to be locked up in the furthest corner of the hospital, where people seldom ventured unless they got lost or had a specific reason to visit, only having the slight company of the visiting doctors and nurses whose jobs it would be to look after him daily, yet I doubt they would stay to chat with the young boy and make him feel welcome and safe, as they would have much more seemingly important things to do. He looked so alone in that small room, and from the instance I saw him in tucked away in there, curled into a tight, protective ball on the thin bed, I had wanted nothing more than to rush in and comfort him...

Perhaps that was the reason why he had been crying into the crisp sheets so dejectedly and with so much depressing passion, as he had no one close to offer him support or even mere comfort when he got upset, which of course, would make him feel even worse in his frightened state. Perhaps it was the loneliness that had drove him to the futile state of selfpity he had been wallowing so deeply in, or perhaps it was another, unknown reason entirely that had made him feel and act in that upsetting way. After all, for all I knew of the boy, it could have been his illnes/ medical condition that had caused his tears to fall, rather than his loneliness. After all, I only saw him for minute and I didn't know for sure that he never had visitors, merely guessed he didn't . However, I probably would never even know, as nobody dared to tell me a single slither of information about him and I was far too scared to ask the mystery boy about it, lest I frightened the poor boy even more.

After the estranged ordeal with the young boy, my first attempt at finding out more about the boy had been to simply ask Luke what had happened, but the bearded doctor, who had once been so open when discussing his patients and their various ailments with me, refused to say a single word about this one in particular, and merely told me never to bring up the subject in his presence, or in anyone else's presence, again. That should have been enough to tell me to drop the private subject, and to rid my mind of it as soon as possible but instead, it only made me more curious about everything associated with the mystery boy, and the strange way that his life was mapped out in the hospital.

For some reason, the blond haired boy fascinated me in a way that nobody else had before, which left me itching to tell someone else all about him, so that they too could join in my strange sense of excitement, even though it was most likely they would roll their eyes, not understanding my weird fascination for the mysterious boy at all. Yet, I couldn't help but be utterly fascinated with this boy, and everything linked to him.

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