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I am dying omg. That gif, that look. SOMEONE TAKE ME TO THE ER.

It was almost nine and I was shaking. I had no clue what was going to happen and if this was a date or not. Had no clue what Phil and I were but it was too early to put labels on it.

I was dressed in black, like normal. I hope he didn't think that it was weird that the only thing I wore was dark colors. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my keys. I looked around the room once more to check everything. My apartment was clean for once.

[a/n his apartment is just a decent sized room and a bathroom. The kitchen, bedroom, and living space are all connected with no dividers.]

I locked up and quickly jogged down the stairs with my phone in my hand. As I opened the door, chilly air hit me and I instantly regretted not getting a jacket. It was almost winter in New York, so I should've assumed it would've be cold.

"Hello, love," Phil said with a smile.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to go get a jacket."

"Here just take mine." He slipped his jacket off of his shoulders and wrapping it around mine. He was only inches away from me and I could feel his breath on my cheek. His breath smelled minty. "Better?" he asked, still standing very close to me. I gulped before nodding and the corner of his lips pulled up into a smile.

He rounded the car, his pale arms showing now. He was wearing a red and green flannel, which I thought suited him. The moonlight glistened on his skin, making me feel like throwing up again; he made me so nervous.

I put the jacket on properly before opening the car door and sitting down.

"There's this party I wanted to go to," he said as he started the car and pulled off the side of the road. "We dot have to go if you don't want to, we could do something else."

"No that's fine."

"Good, because I wanted to show you off," he said with a chuckle. I felt my face heat up. I wanted to flirt back but I was awful at it. I would end up sounding stupid.

"Eh, where is this party?" I asked, laying my hands on my lap, over top of my phone.

"At my friend Pj's house. It's not far." He gave me a reassuring look. "Give me ten minutes."

Those ten minutes flew by, just like the thoughts that raced through my mind. I got out of the car and pulled Phil's coat closer to my face, getting a whiff of his cologne. I stood still as he kept walking towards the house.

"Dan?" He turned around and smirked at me. "Don't worry," he said, extending his hand. "We'll go in together." I walked towards him and put my hand is his. "That's better."

We walked in, hand in hand, and multiple people turned towards us. A young boy with brown hair and green eyes, pranced over to us.

"Yo! It's Phil! The Drinking King has arrived everyone!" he said while wrapping his arms around Phil, ripping our hands apart.

"The Drinking King?" I questioned. Phil gave me a forgiving smile.

"So is this the lad you've been yammering about?" they boy asked.

"Pj, shut up!" Phil yelled. "Come on, Dan. Let's go sit down." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room, leaving Pj in the doorway.

The entire night Phil chatted away with his buddies while holding my hand. I never spoke unless I was spoken to, but Phil seemed to be having a good time. He drank a few beers, I didn't drink anything.

"Phil why aren't you getting hammered?" someone yelled. Phil just laughed and pulled me closer.

"Don't want to get drunk it front of Dan here," he laughed. "He already has to drive home now."

A few more hours went by. I was bored and I felt like an outcast. They were all talking about these elaborate stories they all had together and I wasn't a part of any of them.

"Phil, can we go now?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded furiously before standing up, pulling me up too.

"Sure let's go." We walked out to the car and he handed me the keys. "I can't drive home..." I turned left and looked at him confused.

"I know?"

"Could I stay at your place?" He looked at me and it was obvious he had been drinking. "Please, Daniel. Danny, Dan, Dan."

"Alright, Phil."

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