Crenshaw Blvd

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"Ahhhhhh" I scream again, trying to get the attention of anyone. "Stop screaming ! Ahhh shit". I kicked my attacker in his manhood rubbed down the car door to find the handle, opened the door and made a run for it; I can't see much cause it's so damn dark so I run to a random house and bang as loud as I can. "Help, oh god please help me please!!" I scream.

I hear foot steps behind me so I bang Harder. "Damn what the fuck is going on?" A man answers the door I push him out of the way slam the door closed and lock it. "What the hell!?" the man shouts. I looked out of the window and see that no one is outside, I turn my attention back towards the man who is just staring at me like I was a lunatic, I look down and realized why; my clothes are ripped exposing my bra and panties. "Are-are you alri-." "No" I say cutting him off. "I need the police please." I continued as tears streamed down my face. He immediately ran up stairs, I look outside once more to make sure the attacker was gone.

The man came back down stairs with a large towel and put it over my body and called the police. When they got there they asked me collection questions.

Officer Shannon: Hello I'm officer Peterson, but you can call me Shannon; I understand that you were attacked ma'am. He said staring at me.

Amina: ye-yes....I said still shaking from the incident.

Officer Shannon: Ma'am can you tell me what happened.

I opened my mouth, but no words would come out, I'm still frightened with tears falling down my face. "Ma'am I need you to tell me what happened." the officer said irritatedly. I was about to curse her out, but before I could a man in a dark suit walked over. "Your dismissed Shannon." He said as he sat down next to me. "Hello miss, I'm detective Michaelson." He said putting his hand out. I ignored it.

Michaelson: I am truly sorry about what happened to you..., but I need you to tell me as much as possible so we can catch this guy okay?

Amina: okay.

Michaelson: So tell me what happened and take tour time, if you can't I under-.

Amina: I was walking.....walking down Crenshaw Blvd from work.

I said while sniffing, he wrote down every word I said, but I'm not sure what good it's gonna do. We're in Compton California, there's always a nigga waiting to take something you're not willing to give.. I continued.

Amina: I saw a car start following me...but I ignored it and started walking faster.

Michaelson: What kind of car?

Amina: I ...I don't know it was dark out, it looked like a gray BMW...I was about to cross the street when the car sped up and pulled in front of me...I was so scared I couldn't react fast enough, some guy ran out and pulled me in...

The more I explained the more tears fell.

Michaelson: Ma'am you don't have to-.

Amina: He was so strong...I-i couldn't fight him off, he started ripping my clothes and I just kicked and screamed... I kicked him in his shit and ran for my life!

I finished. "Do you remember anything else, did you get a glimpse of his face"? He asked. "No." I said wiping my face. "Thank you for your time, I'll be sure to work on this case and if you find anything else out or if you happen to remember anything!! let me know, but for now stay safe; your one of the lucky ones." He said looking in my eyes. "Officer Daniels, drive her home." He told one of the officers.

I really hope your like the beginning, this story is sure to get mor exciting please like and comment your thoughts
(Amina in Media)

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