Chaper 1 ~ Keeping Him Safe

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" " Speech
' ' Thoughts
Word Count: 860

Third Person POV
The sound of heels clicking against the ground was all that could be heard as a girl walked down an alley way. In her arms, a small child and a set of stolen 3DMG strapped to her small frame.

16 year old (Y/n) walked down the alley way in the Underground whilst carrying her 8 year old brother, Levi. Her 3DMG on her person, ready for use at any given time. Since they live in the Underground, the only way for (Y/n) and her brother to survive was not at all legal. Her quick and stealthy hands pick-pocketed from many unsuspecting vendors. Levi would silently watch his older sister in awe and curiosity as she did so. Ever since he turned 5, (Y/n) trained him to be able to do all the things she could do. From combat and using 3DMG to cleaning and first aid. She needed to make sure that he'd be able to survive if something were to happen to herself.

In the Underground, young children were forced to grow up. That is, if they wanted to have a chance to live in the filthy, subterranean city they are forever stuck in. Technically, you can go up into the world above, but there's a fee. Nobody had the money to pay for their freedom to go up to the surface. The fees to go up kept rising to ridiculous prices.

Thugs weren't an uncommon sight for the "citizens" of the Underground. People were on high alert. Anybody that seemed threatening was checked. There were some silent thieves who would get away with everything and then there were the clumsy, inexperienced ones who can't do steal without alerting every single person in the city.

(Y/n)'s thieving actions was rarely noticed, but when it was, she'd switch to her gear to evade the MPs. They were always too slow and unskilled when chasing the two, so (Y/n) and Levi were never caught. Everyday was like a learning session for little Levi. He'd watch his older sister skillfully pick-pocket men and woman who passed and make mental notes of what she did. Once in a while, she would con a man into giving her money. Those were on rare occasions since (Y/n) wasn't as skilled in the conning department.

Reader's POV 'YESSSS!!' I managed to nab a whole loaf of bread from one of the vendors

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Reader's POV
'YESSSS!!' I managed to nab a whole loaf of bread from one of the vendors. Unfortunately, they just HAD to alert the MPs. 'Why can't they just let a poor girl feed herself and her starving, adorable brother? They have the money to spare 1 loaf!'

Levi clung onto my cloak as a ran through the streets. "Levi, time to fly. Hold on to me now, ok?" With a quick nod of his head he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and hid in my cloak as I switched to my gear.

As I turned around to see where the MPs were at, my eyes widened at what I saw. Instead of the usual slow, lazy, and useless MPs chasing me, a group of SKILLED and FAST men (or women) with green cloaks and a winged crest zipped dangerously close to me. That could only mean one thing.

Survey Corps soldiers.

'I might get caught buy these guys! I can't be caught with Levi!! They'll take him away from me, or worse! Where can I have him hide?!' Remembering about an alley near home, I quickly gained distance between myself and the Survey Corps. I make sure that they aren't around before setting him down in a crate.

"Levi, I need you to stay here. I'm gonna go draw the soldiers away from you. No matter what, don't come out." The sad look in his steel grey eyes broke my heart. I have no choice but to leave him if I want him to have a chance to survive. Even if it mean sacrificing myself.

"Remember everything I taught you, ok Levi? Fighting, cleaning, stealing, everything. Survive for me." When he nodded, I quickly removed my gear and set it beside him along with the freshly stolen bread. With a shaky voice, I told him," Levi, I want you to keep this. Train hard and use it when you get older. Like I said earlier, remember what I showed you."

Levi's POV
I don't want her to go. I don't want to be alone. She's the only person I have. The only family I have.

'Please (Y/n).....please stay with me. I know that you're trying to protect me, but still.' "Levi, I want you to keep this. Train hard and use it when you get older. Like I said earlier, remember what I showed you." Instead of answering, I threw myself onto her. 'She still smells like (favorite scent) soap...' "I love you (Y/n)" "I love you too, Levi"

After giving me a kiss on my cheek, she stood up. I watched as she ran out of the alley, a trail of green cloaked people following her soon after.

'I miss you already (Y/n). Please be safe..."

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now