Chapter 14 ~ Aberrant

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(I just chose a random number that is less than 57 to show that this is way before Eren and the others.)
Word count: 1975
(h/n): horse name
'...': thoughts

"We will now begin the 49th expedition beyond the Walls! ONWARD!"

The large gates sealing off the world beyond the walls is raised right after Erwin's shout as the Survey Corps. urges their steeds forward. Loud claps of the horses' hooves against the dry earth beneath them is all the soldiers can hear, other than their racing hearts. Newer soldiers of the Survey Corps. shake with fear and excitement while the veterans of expeditions beyond the Walls keep their eyes trained forward and their minds clear.

Mike. He is all but calm. (Y/n) is skilled and strong, but he still can't help but worry about her. They decided to hold off on the wedding until after the expedition. Mike begged and pleaded with Erwin to allow (Y/n)'s squad to either be in the center formation, or have Squad (Y/n) to ride alongside his own squad. Erwin shook his head, placed a hand on Mike's shoulder, and assured him that (Y/n)'s fine.

"Besides," he said," she had Levi with her. The two Ackermans are practically unstoppable together. (Y/n) will come back unharmed. Maybe a scratch or bruise, but she'll be back alive. She's a strong woman, don't worry Mike."

The conversation keeps playing through Mike's mind. Erwin's words do little to calm Mike's racing thoughts and pounding heart, but they do remind him that (Y/n) is skilled and strong. "She'll be fine," he murmurs.

Apparently, Mike wasn't very quiet. One of his squad members heard him. "What was that, Squad Leader Mike?"

"Nothing," Mike calls back.

~Time Skip~

After two rest stops and one stop to fend off a small handful of titans, the soldiers have made their way to a large forest with trees that tower over any building. Lance Corporal (Y/n) and Levi are at the front of the formation, leading the soldiers into the forest.

On this expedition, Erwin had decided that everyone will scout for clearings in the forest and create a clean path through the dense forest. Several of the strongest horses are pulling wagons filled with new 3D maneuvering gear, gas tanks, blade refills, and machetes.

A quarter of the soldiers, including Mike's squad, will be removing the dense brush to continue the path they are using. Another quarter of the soldiers, including Erwin's squad, will scout ahead and decide where and how the path should continue on. The remaining half of the formation, Hanji's squad and (Y/n)'s squad, will continue to push forward into the forest to patrol for Titans and eliminate them if they get too close to the others.

Reader's POV
My squad and Hanji's squad were assigned to patrol and protect the others while they work on continuing the path through this forest. All the soldiers are paired up in hopes of minimizing casualties. Levi, obviously, is my partner and Hanji has Molbit. Everybody else got assigned a partner.

There aren't that many titans in the forest this time, surprisingly. Not that we're complaining, but I just find it a little odd. They can't possibly be sleeping. It doesn't matter how early in the day it is, titans do not sleep. Well, at least that's what Hanji says.

I turn to Levi, who's on my right, and instruct him to tie his horse securely to a nearby branch that will not get in the way of a titan should come. After both our horses have been secured to a branch, we take to the trees and hop from branch to branch. I can tell that Levi is bored, but I'm pretty sure he'd rather patrol than cut down plants.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now