Chapter 11 ~ Sleepy Heads

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Word Count: 650

Mike's POV
Everybody's up and about. All except a certain stoic corporal/my girlfriend. Levi is nowhere too been seen as well.

'Where are they?'

I wander around HQ looking for the two, but can't find them. Then, a certain memory plays thought my mind and I chuckle at the thought.

'Don't tell me they're still sleeping...'

~Time Skip to Reader's office~

Knock knock

After receiving no response to my knocking, I open the door to (Y/n)'s office to see it completely empty. I walk to her bedroom and open the door.

Lo and behold, there they are. A huge mass of black hair pooling over the pillows of (Y/n)'s bed made it hard for me to distinguish the two from where I currently stand.

I sit on (Y/n)'s side of the bed and gently wake her up. A soft groan escapes from her lips before she opens her eyes slightly. She sits up and rubs her eyes in the most adorable way.

"Good morning sleepy head." I stifle a laugh as she glares at me.

She grumbles a quick, "Good morning Mike" before turning to Levi. "He wanted to sleep with me. He's been having nightmares ever know..." (Y/n) whispered.

I look at him, responding with a quiet "Oh." I revert my gaze back to (Y/n) and hug her. She stiffens slightly before relaxing.

"Sorry," I chuckled and pecked her on the cheek. "Did I startle you?"

"Tch." A very light tint of red dusts her cheeks as she turns her head away from me.

Levi stirs a little before he unconsciously grabs (Y/n)'s arm and cuddles with it. She just blankly stares at his sudden action.

(Y/n) suddenly begins to poke Levi's cheek.

"Wake up Levi."


"Wake up."


"You have to get up eventually, brat."


"Took you long enough. C'mon Levi, Mike already woke me up pretty late."

The scene unfolding before me is too cute. Two stoic siblings are completely the opposite of "stoic" when they're behind closed doors. Their emotions are expressed a bit more freely and it makes me happy to see them this way. I can't help but smile.

~Time Skip~

Third Person POV
After waking up and getting breakfast, Corporal (Y/n) retreated back to her office to complete the mountainous piles of paperwork Erwin had given to her last night. (Y/n had disregarded the papers to stay with Levi. A decision she she made with no regrets.

As (Y/n) was organizing the piles of paper, Mike walked in and sat on the side of the desk. A couple of minutes of silence passed before he decided to speak.

"(Y/n), can I ask you something?"

"Ok,"she replied in her usual monotone voice.

"Why can't I ever sleep besides you? Why can Levi but not me?" Mike pouted with a playful attitude.

(Y/n) sighed and set her paperwork down. "Are you jealous of Levi?" She couldn't believe it. The almighty squad leader Mike Zacharius is jealous of her little brother.

"No...It's just've been spending more time with him...and..." Mike trails off.

Chuckling, she got out of her seat and hugged him. "You are jealous, aren't you?" He said nothing and kissed her softly on the lips.
A familiar "Tch" left her lips as (Y/n) took it as a yes to her question before reciprocating the action.

~Time Skip to the evening~

That night, (Y/n) and Mike cuddled in bed with her face pressed against his chest. Being significantly smaller than Mike, (Y/n) found herself lying down with Mike wrapping himself completely around her. She didn't complain. The position gave her a comforting sense of security.

And just like that, the comfort of being in each other's warm embrace lulled the two into a peaceful slumber.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now