Chapter 15 ~ The Legend Lives (Ending #2)

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My apologies for the late update. I've been doing practice testing for the ACT test and it's been taking up a lot of my time, along with other things in my daily life.
Word count: 3449
(H/l): hair length

Levi's POV
Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I run back to the spot where we left our horses. I set my sister down gently on a nearby log and quickly unknot the horses' reins from the branch. I remember (Y/n) training her horse to sit down so that she can mount it with ease. Running up to (h/n), I hold my hand out parallel to the ground and motion my hand downwards. Her horse slowly tucks its (his/her) legs in and sits.

I quickly mount (h/n) with (Y/n) in my arms. With a rope tied to my horse's reins, I lightly kick (h/n)'s sides for (him/her) to run. Leading my horse alongside (h/n), I hurriedly urge them to run faster. A familiar brunette comes into view almost instantly.

"Hanji!! Get over here, now!"

She must have sensed my urgency and turned towards me. Her eyes widen and she sends her partner off to notify the others. Together, we rush towards the others.

'(Y/n), please hang on for a little longer. You'll be ok.'


Third Person POV
The Scouts quickly find a place to camp for however many days needed. A small group is instructed to set up a large tent and pull out all the medical supplies. Soldiers are scurrying around in a frenzy that can be compared to a busy ant colony. The fact that their Lance Corporal's life is on the line gives them incentive to quicken their pace.

(Y/n) is immediately rushed into the medical tent as soon as the supplies touch the ground in the tent. Levi gently, but quickly sets his sister onto the cot and barks at the cadets to hurry up with the rest of the medical supplies and equipment. Hanji, who has studied medicine for situations such as now, turns serious and begins to snatch the needed things while yelling for people to give her space.


In a rush, everybody files out of the tent. Everybody except Levi and Molbit. Hanji gives the shorter make a hard glare, but he shakes his head and refuses the move from his spot beside (Y/n). His stubbornness is just like that of his sister. With a sigh, the woman ignores him and signals for her assistant to assist her.

~Time Skip after all the medical stuff~

All the scouts wait outside the medical tent, anxiously waiting for news on on (Y/n)'s condition. Several of the more physically stronger males had been assigned to hold back Mike. Ever since he learned of his fiancée's injuries, Mike refused to stay put. Erwin had to get people to help him restrain the taller male.

Mike sits on a crate, staring at the tent's entryway. Frightening scenarios play through his mind the more he stares at the tent. He had heard Hanji's urgent screams to Molbit from his spot. It had been almost an hour since Hanji's, or anyone's, voice was heard. Not a single person moved from their spot before the tent besides the ones tending to the injured.

'She's okay now. Hanji's going to walk out of that tent any second now and tell us that she's fine. (Y/n)'s going to live. She can't die now. She won't d-'


A stern, familiar voice breaks Mike from his thoughts. He turns his head to see Erwin behind him. Swollen and puffy blue-grey eyes meet Erwin's piercing, icy-blue ones. His grip on Mike's should tightens slightly in a comforting manner.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now