Chapter 3 ~ Survive

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Word Count: 936

Levi's POV
'She's gone. It's been over an hour.'

I get up, grabbing the 3DMG and bread (Y/n) had left behind for me. After 10 minutes of walking with the heavy gear, I make it to the small home that (Y/n) and I have been living in ever since I was 3. I set the gear onto the floor by the table and set the bread onto a clean cloth.

A part if me wants to curl up in the corner and cry. 'I miss my older sister so badly right now. But I can't to that. (Y/n) doesn't want me to do that. She wants me to survive and live ... I'll do just that. For her ...'

~Time skip ~ 10 years later

Third Person POV
It's been 10 years since (Y/n) had left Levi. Over the years, a facade had built up. Levi became a serious and stoic man whose emotions never showed. It's not that he didn't have any emotions, he just bottled them all up. Inside, Levi longed to see his older sibling. Questions racked his mind every single day.

What happened to her?

Is she alive?

Where is she now?

Is she ok?

Levi's POV
'Tch. The MPs never learn do they? All they do is sit around and get drunk instead of doing their jobs. And when it comes time for them to actually do something, they're horrible at it.' I zip through the air with my 3DMG. It's the same gear my older sister had given me 10 years ago when she had left to lead those Survey Corps. soldiers away from me. I still miss her very much, though I'd never show it.

"Levi-aniki!" Isabel called out as she flew alongside Farlan. I met the Farlan 5 years after (Y/n) left and Isabel last year. They're good friends that I trust. Together, we steal what we need to survive.

(The following part has segments that were pulled off the Skingeki no Kyojin wiki. I just tailored it to fit the story. I apologize for not having the creative capacity to come up with it on my own.)

Third Person POV
Levi, Farlan, and Isabel knocked over supply crates with their maneuver gear, grabbing what they needed before the Military Police begin their pursuit. The three continue to evade them. Farlan notices that their movements are not those of the Military Police. Levi turns to look and sees a sight he hasn't seen for ten years. A group a people wearing green cloaks with a winged crest.

It is none other than the Survey Corps.

They all split off into different directions. Levi then begins to ponder at how good the Survey Corps really can be. He maneuvers into a building and exits after running to a different spot within, only to be met by a tall man with dirty blond hair (Mike Zacharius).

He crashes down on Levi as he attempts to escape. The two slam into another box of crates, causing a mess, and bruising Levi's face. Levi draws a knife and engages Mike in combat, knocking one of his blades away. As Mike quickly steps back, Levi moves in for the kill. However, a tall blonde male (Erwin Smith), intercepts Levi's attack and the two face off. Erwin swiftly counters Levi and the two hault each others blades and stand off.

Erwin suddenly tells Levi to stop and look around

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Erwin suddenly tells Levi to stop and look around. Levi sees that Isabel and Farlan have been captured and he surrenders his knife. The two back off each other.

"You're quick at reading the situation." Erwin stated to the raven haired male.

"..." Levi stayed silent.

Levi, Farlan, and Isabel are shackled at the wrists and sit on their knees in front of Erwin. He begins to interrogate them and ask where they obtained their maneuver gear, but they remained silent. He compliments their skilled with the gear and asks where they learned it, but again they don't answer. Levi knew the answer in his heart, '(Y/n). My older sister. The one who was chased by the Survey Corps.'

Erwin approaches Levi, asking if he is their leader and if he was trained in the military but Levi continues to remain silent. Mike grabs Levi's head and smashes his face down into a dirty puddle below him. Isabel and Farlan are visibly shocked. Levi turns to look up, angry.

Erwin states that he will ask once more and again asks where they learned to use their maneuver gear. Farlan claims that they were all self taught, but Erwin doesn't believe him. Farlan goes on, saying that it was so they were able to rise even slightly in their horrible town. That people who are used to sunlight, like the military, wouldn't understand.

Isabel then begs him to let Levi go and for them not to abuse their power as soldiers. Mike lets Levi up as Erwin kneels down to his level. He introduces himself and asks Levi's name. Levi states his first name, but not his last name.

Erwin offers to make him a deal, claiming that he will let all of his crimes go unpunished if he agrees to lend him his strength and join the Survey Corps in return. Levi then asks what will happen if he refuses and Erwin states that they will be handed over to the Military Police, who will not treat them very nicely.

Unbeknownst to Levi, Erwin had made the same exact deal to his sister ten years ago.

After a brief thought, Levi begrudgingly agrees to join the Survey Corps.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now