Chaper 4 ~ New Relationships

19.6K 637 304

Word Count: 722

Reader's POV
When we arrived at the Survey Corps. HQ, I was taken to the commander's office. Commander Keith Shadis explained that I am to train alongside the other cadets and join the Scout Regiment.

After a small discussion about my situation, Commander Shadis formally introduced the three people who took part in my arrest.

The tall blond man with icy blue eyes and large eyebrows spoke first. "My Name's Squad Leader Erwin Smith."

"I'm Hanji Zoe!! Nice to meet cha'!" The brunette woman with glasses exclaimed loudly.

Last, but not least, the man who was in charge of watching me. "Mike Zacharius," the tall man with dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and a dark mustache and beard stated.

"(Y/n)." I replied back after shaking hands with the three while secretly hoping their hands are clean.

"And what is your a last name Miss (y/n)?"

'I don't want to tell them. But then again, what choice do I have?'

Begrudgingly, I told them.

"Ackerman. (Y/n) Ackerman."

~Time skip ~ 10 years later~

Third Person POV
As time passed, (Y/n) pushed herself to improve and grow stronger than she was already. All that hard work paid off. Throughout the years, she worked her way up the ranks. When she first joined, all the other soldiers were amazed by her strength and skill. She crushed all their records in everything. Combat, most titan kills (assisted and alone), running times, etc...

Before Shadis stepped down from the position as Commander, he promoted (Y/n), who was a squad leader, to Lance Corporal.

(Y/n) also formed new relationships with those around her.

Shadis became a father-figure. Even after he retired and became the head instructor for the trainees, (Y/n) would still find herself going to him for guidance and comfort.

Erwin became Commander after Shadis. (Y/n) grew close with him and respected him. He was like an other brother to her. Just like Shadis, (Y/n) would go to him for advice and confide to him whenever needed.

The eccentric Hanji earned the status of close friend. It took a while for (Y/n) to get used to the young woman's weird and crazy behavior, but she tried to tolerate it. Hanji looks up to (Y/n), being that (Y/n) is older by eight years (in other words, the same age as Levi), and admires everything she does. Her bubbly and loud personality is seen as the exact opposite of her stoic superior and many of their fellow soldiers question about how their friendship came to be.

Mike got promoted to Squad Leader and decided to stay at that rank. Over the years, Mike and (Y/n) grew closer and closer. Despite (Y/n)' s cold, stoic personality, Mike was able to see through it. Slowly, he broke through her facade and learned of her soft and caring side that no one but him ever saw. Behind closed doors, the she isn't as stoic. Still slightly stoic, but he saw more emotion in her eyes and in the tone of her voice when they talked. Eventually, Mike got the courage to ask her out on a date. He's now the proud and protective boyfriend (if "boyfriend" was a used term during that time period) of Lance Corporal (Y/n) Ackerman.

Cadets and fellow soldiers of the Survey Corps. respect and fear their Corporal. Her harsh words and brutal cleaning punishments never ceased to keep them on edge. Many looked up to (Y/n) as a strong soldier and due to her tremendous strength and skill, she earned the title "Humanity's Strongest Soldier."

Despite knowing the cold and stoic Lance Corporal for 10 whole years, nobody learned of the younger sibling to whom she had taught to be just like her. Every night, she'd stare out her window, hoping that he was safe and well.

There were many times where she had tried to go back to the Underground in hopes of finding Levi, but found her attempts to be futile. Precautions were taken to ensure that (Y/n) wouldn't get the chance to try to leave.

This left her angry and beyond frustrated.

After several years, (Y/n) stopped trying to plan an escape and accepted the fact that she would never get the chance to do so.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now