Chapter 7 ~ Misenterpretations

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Word Count: 1214

Third Person POV
As the bright ball of gas known as the sun rose up into the dim morning sky, there was nothing but silence at the Survey Corps. HQ. The mornings are always peaceful for the soldiers. There is no screaming of the training instructor ordering the cadets to pick up their pace or to follow orders. No shaking of the earth beneath them when titans chased them. All was quiet, until 6:30, which is the time when everybody must be up and about.

By 7:00, everybody was awake and busy. Cadets were chatting amongst each other as they grabbed their morning meal at the Mess Hall. A certain titan-obsessed squad leader was trying to convince the commander to allow her to capture another pair of titans for experimentation. One squad leader, however, was wondering where the stoic Lance Corporal was.

Where is she?

Mike finished his meal before getting up to find his girlfriend. She always got up before everybody else, but where is she now? Even if (Y/n) chose not to eat, she would always come out for her morning cup of black tea.

When he couldn't find her roaming the halls or outside on the roof, Mike went to the only other place she could be. (Y/n)'s room. Mike firmly knocked on the door twice but received no response. He knocked twice more. Sill no response. Remembering the key (Y/n) had given to him, Mike fished the key out from his pocket and unlocked the office door.

As soon as Mike walked into (Y/n)'s office, he was greeted with nothing but pure silence. There was no noise and nothing seemed to have been recently touched or used.

That's odd.

Mike's POV
As soon as I walked into (Y/n)'s office, I was saw and heard nothing. Nothing but silence. 'Is she still sleeping?' This is odd. (Y/n) has never slept in before the entire time she's been with the Survey Corps. Her bedroom door is still closed. 'Guess she really is asleep still.' I thought as I made my way over to open the door.

Upon opening the door, I was greeted with an infuriating sight. MY (Y/n) is asleep with that thug Levi in the same bed as her. Their arms are wrapped around each other and his face is pressed against her chest.

Anger took over me as I yanked the sheets off the of two. A whimper came from (Y/n) and she buried her face into Levi's hair. My blood was boiling at this point.


"What the h-"

A groan from the other raven head interrupted (Y/n)'s reply. Her eyes widened when she saw me standing at the foot of the bed.

"Tch. I thought you locked the door to keep this kind of thing from happening."

"Tch. I forgot I gave him a key, Levi. Not my fault."

"Who is he to you anyways?"

"My boyfriend."

The two talked as if I left the room. "I'm still here." I growled. Two pairs of steel grey eyes turned towards me. One pair was glaring at me. The other pair seemed to hold...regret?

I heard a string of profanities leave (Y/n)'s mouth as she cursed under her breath. Losing patience, I began to tap my foot against the hard wood floor. "I'm waiting (Y/n). I haven't got all day."

Levi's POV
Mike stared angrily at the two of us. I heard my sister curse under her breath before turning her head towards me. 'I guess we have to choice but to tell him. The situation doesn't leave room for us to evade his questions."

"Just tell him." I said in a hushed voice. "We have no choice. We don't need to cause trouble."

She nodded her head before speaking. "Mike, before you lose your head over this, this is the exact opposite of what you think."

"Really?! Cause the way I see it, my girlfriend is on the same bed with another man and I come in to see you two tangled in each other's limbs!" Mike yelled.

Sighing, (Y/n) replied in her usual monotone,"He's my little brother."

Mike's glare softened only slightly before he retorted,"He's your brother and you didn't tell me? What was bothering you so much that you decided to NOT tell me! I thought we agreed on not keeping secrets from each other."

"We haven't seen each other for ten years. Levi was only 8 when I left him. He just wanted to be with me last night." (Y/n) explained. "When we were younger, I used to hug him as we slept. After seeing me for the first time in ten years, he wanted to be comforted by his only family. Please don't get mad. If you're going to tell Erwin, leave Levi out of it. None of this is his fault. I should have told you from the start when I recognized him, but I was scared. I don't want Erwin to separate us right after we finally reunite."

'Is she seriously going to take all the blame?! No way! I won't let her!'

But as if she read my mind, (Y/n) glared at me. Her hard glare sent a chill down my spine. 'Who knew older sisters could be so intimidating?'

Mike sighed and opened his arms. (Y/n) slowly got up and hugged him. It's funny watching my older sister hug a man who's hight greatly differed from her own. "Tch. How old are you, Mike?" I asked. Even though I'm the younger brother, I'm still going to be a protective one.

Chuckling, he replied,"Twenty-six. Same as your sister. Don't worry." I snickered. There is a significant difference in hight between the my sister and her boyfriend.

Reader's POV
I heard Levi snicker at Mike's response. With Mike's arms still wrapped around me, I turned to look at Levi. "Oi. What are you snickering about?"

Levi replied with a mischievous grin," You're the same age as him, yet you're head doesn't even reach his shoulders."

"Tch, whatever. It's not my fault! Besides, your around my height! You're in no position to judge!"

Hanji, Erwin and the others always tease me about my height. I haven't grown at all. I've been stuck at 4 ft. 10 inches ever since sixteen. (I'm sorry if you're not happy with this. I'm just using my height since I am and have always been short.)

"I'm glad this didn't turn into a big argument, but what are you going to to now Mike?"

Sighing, he answered,"I'm going to go tell Erwin. You can't hide this forever. If he ends up wanting to separate the two of you somehow, I'll try to persuade him to think otherwise. Even when I first saw Levi, I saw many similarities between the two of you. There's no denying it that you guys are somehow related or something. You're fighting styles, physical appearance, personalities,... They're all similar."

"Tch. Fine."

Levi doesn't look like he agrees with it, but he doesn't complain. I guess our secret won't be much of a secret for much longer...

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now