Chapter 2 ~ The Deal

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Word Count: 730

(For the fight and interrogation scene, refer to the video & image above. Imagine that you are in Levi's place and Farlan & Isabel aren't there. Also, imagine the other soldier(s) don't exist besides Mike and Erwin. Add Hanji into the situation)

Reader's POV
I can hear the clicking of many heels behind me as a ran farther away from the alley. Farther away from Levi. 'He'll be fine. He's a strong kid. I taught him everything he needs to know.' I keep telling my self this as I ran, ducking through passageways. When I heard them getting closer, I pulled out my knife from its sheath and readied my self to attack.

The first soldier rounded the corner as I yanked on his cloak and kneed him in the stomach. (You're going to be short in this story. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but shortness runs in the Ackerman family).

I turned around just in time to strike a woman behind me, but a taller male managed to disarm me of my knife. A total of 3 people, 2 males and 1 female, surrounded me and bound my wrists.

The taller male forced me to my knees as the other tall male and the woman removed their hoods. One of them has blonde hair, large eyebrows, and icy blue eyes. The taller male, who gripped my hair tightly, has blue-grey eyes and blonde-ish brown hair with a dark mustache and beard. The female has brown hair and is wearing glasses stares at me with a somewhat creepy grin plastered on her face. The two males carried a serious, yet calm expression.

"What is your name?" Eyebrows questioned me. I stayed silent.


The man whose, grip was still on my hair, slammed my face into the puddle before me. 'Tch. That's disgusting! I'll make them pay for that!'

"Since you won't give me a name, where is the 3DMG you were using earlier? Where'd you put it?"


My face came in contact with the puddle once more. As my head was lifted up, I spit on Eyebrow's boots. I watched in amusement as one of his large eyebrows twitched slightly in annoyance. 'Humph. Serves him right. That's what he gets for ordering the other guy to get me all filthy.'

"My name is Erwin Smith. If you couldn't tell, we are apart of the Survey Corps. You're very talented in fighting and using the 3DMG." He knelt down to be at eye level with me. "Join the Survey Corps. and you'll be granted citizenship. Put that talent to good use. Help fight for humanity."

"Tch. And if I chose not to?" I don't know what kind of tricks this man has up his sleeves.

"We will hand you over to the Military Police and let them deal with you. I'm pretty sure you don't want that. You've done a pretty good job at angering them. You'd be executed for your crimes."

I stayed silent as I weighed my options. 'The MP isn't on good terms with me. If I join the Survey Corps. and become a scout, I can eventually come back here! I'll comeback and find Levi; I'll take him into the city and find a better home for him.'

"Tch. Fine. I'll join the Survey Corps."

The man I now know as Erwin stands up. "Then we have ourselves a deal. Mike, bring her. Hanji, I need to talk to you" 'So...the guy with me is Mike and the crazy woman's Hanji. Interesting'

Mike grabs my arm and pulls me up. Erwin and Hanji talked quietly amongst themselves in front while Mike walked alongside me. He kept a firm grip on my arm as he walked in long strides. 'He needs too slow down! Seriously, how am I supposed to keep up with a tall man like him?!'

We reached the entrance to the surface about twenty minutes later. As we walked up the steps, a bright light blinded my vision. 'That must be the sun...' I thought as I blinking several times in an attempt to see properly. They lead me to a carriage and Mike sits me down next to himself. I can't help but worry about Levi...

'Don't worry Levi. I'll train with them to be stronger. When the opportunity comes, I'll come back for you. I promise.'

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now