Chapter 6 ~ Explanation

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Word Count: 700I apologize that Levi is kinda OOC

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Word Count: 700
I apologize that Levi is kinda OOC.
(f/s): favorite scent

Reader's POV
After pointing out to them where the cleaning supplies reside, I had the three, well two since I know Levi, state their names.

The tall kid with dark brown hair and light grey eyes spoke up first. "I'm Farlan Church."

"My name's Isabel Magnolia!" The green-eyed girl with reddish-brown hair exclaimed. She's a bit like Haniji. Her personality is bright and cheerful.

When Levi didn't speak up, the two turned towards him. We stared at each other before I nodded my head towards the door, beckoning him to follow.

"Tch. You two brats better be cleaning when I get back."

"But Levi-aniki..." Isabel whined.

"Isabel, you shouldn't complain. This is Levi we're talking about." Farlan chuckled.

Without another word, I led Levi to my office/room. As soon as I closed the door, I was met by a pair of strong arms. Levi's arms.

Third Person POV
"I missed you." Levi whispered as he buried his face into his older sibling's back. He smelled the familiar scent of (f/s) soap lingering on (Y/n)'s clothes.

(Y/n) turned around and wrapped her arms around Levi. With her head resting on his chest, she responded,"I missed you, too."

After minutes of standing, still hugging, Levi broke the silence. "What happened? After you left. How did you get here?"

"Erwin, Hanji, and Mike. They caught me. I was too worried about you to be thinking straight. Erwin, he ... he offered me a deal. Join the Survey Corps., or get handed over to the MPs and get executed for my crimes. I chose the Survey Corps. Joining the Corps., I thought that I'd be able to, one day, come back and get you. But I thought wrong. They kept a tight leash on me. Never had the opportunity to leave. I'm sorry."

The two stoic siblings let their bottled up emotions pour out. Tears trickled down their cheeks as they continued to hug each other, afraid to let go as if they'd lose each other once more if they did.

Reader's POV
I didn't want to let go of him, but I know that I can't hold onto him forever. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him. I wiped his tears and placed a gentle kiss on his head.

"You should go back to your room. It's late."


"Go on Levi. You'll need your sleep. I'm in charge of your training. Tch. Just because I'm your sister doesn't mean that training will be easy."

"Tch. Fine."

He pulled me into a quick hug before walking back to his shared room. I locked the door and went into my room to change. After changing I was about to climb into bed when I heard a knocking at the door.

Knock Knock

"Name and business."

A muffled,"Levi," was all I heard.

I walked out into my office and unlocked the door. Upon opening the door, I saw Levi standing at the doorway wearing the same clothes as before.

"Tch. Come in here. I'll give you something more comfortable to wear to sleep in. Lock the door behind you. Don't need those brats getting the wrong idea or finding out I have a brother."

Walking into my room. I pulled out a gender neutral black shirt and a pair loose fitting sweats.

"You can go change in my room."

Levi walked into my room, grabbed the clothing from me, and closed the door behind him. I went back into my office and began to do some paperwork while waiting. Two minutes later, he walked out. I was about to say "goodnight" and head off to sleep when I felt a tug on my sleeve holding me back slightly.

"Please...can I stay with you? Like when I was younger? Just for tonight." His soft whisper was almost silent, but I heard him.

"Very well then, come on."

Third Person POV
They laid down and Levi nuzzled his face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. With their arms securely wrapped around each other, the reunited siblings drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now