Chapter 13 ~ Yes

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Word Count: 2000
(f/c): favorite color
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At sunrise, all the members of the Survey Corps at HQ were up and about. Not a single soldier was lying in his of her bed. Their Lance Corporal had decided the night before that all of them must clean the ENTIRE HQ from top to bottom.

Everybody's scrubbing, mopping, wiping and sweeping despite their reluctance to do so. Facing the consequences for disobeying direct orders is not something anybody is willing to risk. They prefer cleaning over running laps.

In the midst of the scurrying of soldiers trying to quickly finish their designated cleaning assignments, the Lance Corporal herself steps into the large mess hall clad in her white button-up shirt, white jeans, and 3DMG straps with a white handkerchief covering her nose and mouth.

Sharp, steel grey eyes dart from left to right, inspecting the mess hall. Not a single spec of dirt or dust gets left behind. Not under her watch.

A small patch of dust residing in one of the the corners of the mess hall was looked over. (Y/n) calls the person who was assigned to clean that half of the room.

"Oi! Nanaba!"

Upon hearing her name being called, Nanaba turns to salute to her superior. Her right fist immediately moves over to her upper chest where her heart is approximately located.

"Lance Corporal, Ma'am!"

"You missed the spot over there," the eldest Ackerman points out.


The blonde woman turns her head left to right, trying to spot the dirty area the Lance Corporal spoke of. After a minute, she finally sees it.

"Ohhh.....I'll clean it up right away Ma'am!"

(Y/n) nods in acknowledgment before walking off to inspect the other's cleaning.

~Meanwhile in Mike's office~

knock, knock

"Come in."

Mike, who had called for Levi not too long ago, looks up from his paperwork to see the man he's looking for. The papers he finished are stacked in chair beside his desk and the unfinished ones are pushed aside.

"Levi. Please, sit. I've been meaning to ask you something."

Levi takes a seat in a vacant chair as Mike leans back in his own. There's a moment of awkward silence before Levi clears his throat.

"Well? What's your reason for calling me here," he asks, getting a bit impatient.

"You see...," Mike says while rubbing his hands together nervously," I love your older sister very much, and I'd like your permission and blessing to ask for her hand in marriage."

The side drawer on Mike's desk is opened and Mike pulls out a small box. Levi's steel grey eyes follow the small rectangular object as Mike pulls up the cover to reveal a beautiful (f/c) stone attached to a small silver ring. His eyes widen at the decently sized jewel.

"How did you manage to pay for that?" Levi's voice holds a bit of astonishment. Being a soldier in the Survey Corps. does pay well, but not enough to purchase a ring of such quality.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now