Chapter 8 ~ Training & Secrets Revealed

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Word Count: 961

Third Person POV
When Mike reported to Erwin about the siblings' secret. Erwin found it interesting, but did nothing else about it. He was fine with the situation and had no thoughts about separating the two.

Levi and (Y/n) were relieved.

After ten long years, they can finally stay together without fear of being separated again by the military. The fear of being separated by titans, however, still lingered, but wasn't much of a problem.

Farlan and Isabel overheard the conversation and were definitely surprised. They never imagined that all of Levi's skills and knowledge took root from an older sister he never mentioned. And, as expected from the stoic Lance Corporal Ackerman, training was brutal. Despite their years with Levi, his older sister's training methods far exceeded Levi's personal training.

Levi found the training mildly difficult, but he still has a lot to learn from his sister.

Every morning after breakfast, (Y/n) takes the three out into the training grounds and makes them run 20 laps. After, she has them train with their 3DMG and practice slaying the wooden cut-outs of titans. She has one-on-one training sessions with them individually to help home their skills and find techniques that work best for each of them. Levi found (Y/n)'s style to be most effective and lethal.

When (Y/n) and Levi trained together, they would always attract a crowd of cadets

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When (Y/n) and Levi trained together, they would always attract a crowd of cadets. The cadets would watch with wide eyes as "Humanity's Strongest" trained alongside her younger brother. The two communicated in silence and moved in synchronization, spinning through the air at high speeds and slicing the titan dummies with precision and accuracy each time.

Not long after arriving at the Survey Corps, Levi was given the title "Humanity's Second Strongest Soldier". Together, the two are known as "Humanity's Strongest Siblings".

Isabel's POV
"Let's go! Let's Go! You can run faster than that, brats!"

My lungs feel as if they're on fire and my limbs are like jelly. For two hours straight, Corporal (Y/n) has been training Farlan, Levi, and me. Her training methods are harsh! Levi is the only one who seems to be able to tolerate her training.

"It's not fair though! Levi had trained with her when he was younger! He's used to this!"

"Oi. What did you say brat?"

'Oops ... I said that out loud didn't I?' With a sheepish grin, I responded,"Sorry Corporal!"

She just looked at me with no emotion, as always. "Tch. You better be. Stable duty for two weeks!"

"Ehhhhhhh!? B-but Corpro-"

"Oi. It will be three weeks if you finish that sentence!"

"Yes sir! Er...I mean Ma'am!"

Her terrifying glare seemed to drill holes into the back of my skull as I continued to run laps.

'Yup! Levi is related to her alright. No doubt about it. He's practically a carbon copy of his sister!'

~Time Skip~

After finishing my laps, I saw (Y/n) still standing in the same spot she was in earlier. But this time, Squad Leader...Mike is his name I believe...standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her. Levi and Farlan are standing with them. They're chatting as if they forgot about me!

"Hey! Guys...I'm finished!" I shouted exhaustedly as I made my way towards them. "Guuuuuyyyyssss! Why did you leave me behind. You practically forgot about me!!"

Levi just glanced at me before returning his gaze towards (Y/n) and Mike. "Tch. You were running too slow. Now quit your whining and let the 'adults' talk." (Isabel is younger than them)

I pouted my lips and pursued to bother Farlan while he and the "adults" talk about who knows what.

Farlan kept shrugging me off as I kept poking his shoulder to get his attention. Sighing, he finally turned to me! "Yes Isabel?"

"I'm hungry." I complained. My stomach has been growling for quite some time. 'I need foooood!'

(Y/n) stopped talking and turned to address me. "If you brats are hungry, go on over to the Mess Hall."

"Yahoooooo!" I jumped up and did a little happy dance with a wide grin on my face.

Reader's POV
I watched as Isabel and Farlan ran off to get something to eat. Turning my attention back to Mike and Levi, I spoke,"How and when did you come across those two brats?" I can feel Mike's nose buried in my hair, sniffing as Levi spoke.

"Farlan tried to get me to join his gang. I refused and he ended up joining me. Met five years after you left and the two of us came across Isabel just last year. Tch. The brat was in trouble for trying to get up the the surface without paying."

"Tch. Glad you were ok. I see a taught you well."

"What do you mean you 'taught him well'?" Mike looked at me with confusion. I never told him about training Levi when he was a kid. He only knows that I was with him and did all the dirty work.

"I taught Levi everything I knew at the time. Started training him when he turned five and continued to do so up until I had to leave."

His mouth formed an 'o'. He became curious asked Levi,"Tell me, Levi. Was her training hard back then?"

"Tch. Wasn't too bad. She could have made it worse. If it was easy, I wouldn't have be able to learn anything."

I ruffled his hair and smiled ever so slightly at his response. Mike nodded. "Let's go join the other two. All that training and supervision deserved to be rewarded with a meal."

The three of us wordlessly agree and leave the training grounds to the Mess Hall.

Levi x OlderSister!Reader ~ Ackerman LegendWhere stories live. Discover now