❦ Fire ❦

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◊ Police are on the search for the escaped prisoner, and the family is back together once again, but each with the lurking fear that Mark could jump out of nowhere, and smash the pieces they have only just managed to put together again. The boys need each other more than ever now that their father is on the hunt, but what happens when things begin to crumble for all the wrong reasons? ◊ 

Holaaaa! Here's the first chapter of Brothers #2! If you haven't read the first book (Brothers • Brooks Brothers Fanfic •) then I suggest you do, otherwise some things may be a bit confusing. 

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Just letting you know, updates will be a bit slower for this book unlike the first, because i'm still kind of figuring out a plan for it :/

Anyway, enjoy ;)

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Word Count: 933

*This will be the day Luke is getting out of hospital* 

Jai's POV: 


I squinted my eyes in the direction of the soft voice, trying to make out a shape- any shape- in this pitch black of night. 

"Who's there?" I asked, my voice shaking like the rest of my body. 

"Why do people ask questions they already know the answer to?" The voice echoed, bouncing off the invisible walls surrounding me. 

"Dad?" I questioned, my voice barely audible. 

"Don't turn around," I felt his breath on the back of my neck as he spoke, but I didn't turn around. 

I whimpered softly as he walked around my body, stopping in front of me and lifting his hand to my chin. I gave him a questioning look before my head was suddenly jerked to the side, and I noticed a bright spotlight over a male figure. Luke. He was tied to a post, with a rag tied around his mouth,  and he seemed to be drenched in what was probably water. 

I turned my head back to my father, "What are you going t-." 

He was holding a lighter. He grinned maliciously as he held the lighter to my face and flicked it on. 

"That's not water," He smirked and I growled, blowing out the flame quickly. He scowled and flicked it on again, with the same reaction. He then decided to cover my mouth with his spare hand, flicking on the flame once again. 

Tears sprung to my eyes as I was suddenly drenched head to toe in gasoline. 

"I think i'll let you watch him first," He sneered and I watched him move away from me, but as I went to try tackle him, I noticed that I was also tied around a separate post. 

I watched as he walked to Luke, the flame flickering at his fingers. "Please don't. Luke never did anything. You can do whatever you want to me, just leave him alone. Don't do it. Please." I begged.

"Shut up!" Dad snapped but I ignored him, instead focusing on Luke's tear-streaked face. He was staring right into my eyes, as if trying to tell me something.

"Wake up," A voice echoed in my mind, it was Luke's voice and I almost forgot what was happening, then I was back again, and dad had already thrown the lighter.

"LUKE!" I screamed tugging against the rope tying me down, with no success.

I could make out his struggling figure through the thick flames, and could his deafening screeches, over my father's booming laughter. Luke was burning. Dying. And I couldn't do anything to save him.

"You're sick!" I spat at dad, my throat burning from trying to hold down my tears.

He turned to me, the reflection of the flames dancing in his eyes,"Tell that to someone who cares."

He stepped closer to me, holding up a new lighter, already lit, but not close enough for me to blow out this time.

"Good bye," He smirked, throwing the lighter onto the ground, lighting up the gasoline immediately, and engulfing me in a wave of vivid orange flames. I screamed as they licked my feet, travelling quickly up my body until my skin was covered, burning away the flesh with excruciating pain. I screamed. I screamed as if that was the last thing that could save me from giving in to the fire. 

And it worked. 

I awoke from the nightmare, still screaming and clutching the bed sheets. My door opened a second later, Beau and Mum emerging with horror-stricken faces. My next scream caught in my throat, and instead I let out a hoarse sob. Beau sat beside me on the bed, grabbing my wrists and gently laying them in my lap, before wrapping me in one of his special hugs. 

Mum, who had left the room, came back a moment later with a glass of water. She handed it to me and I didn't hesitate to gulp it down in seconds. My shaking and sobbing had ceased a bit, but that didn't mean I wasn't still getting flashes of the dream in my head. Beau pulled out of the hug and inspected my face, looking both concerned and pitiful. 

"Jai, what do you want?" He asked softly, still holding both of my hands and squeezing them gently. 

I sighed before before answering, "Luke."

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I'm back! 

Wiiiith the second book whoooo!!

Like I said at the top, updates will be much slower in this book (either just at the beginning or throughout the whole book) because I still have no idea what i'm doing XD

You know the drill; 

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Bella ❦

Brothers #2 [Sequel to Brothers • Brooks Brothers Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now