◉ Ice Cream ◉

967 52 7

Word Count: 928 

Beau's POV: 

Me - U wankers up 4 ice cream? 

Skip - Wut made u think u had 2 ask? 

James - Fuk yesss. the last time i had ice cream, i was like 10

Me - K well we r leaving hospital now so meet @ the park in an hr

Skip - Roger that

James - K cya

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and glanced at the back seat of the car where the twins were sat, talking quietly and still holding hands. The corners of my mouth perked up at the sight of Jai's small grin. I was glad Luke could make him happy like that. No one else seemed capable, but Luke could say a few simple words and Jai's face would light up like a young boy on Christmas morning. 

"We're home," Mum sighed as she pulled into the driveway. 

"YESS!" Luke whooped, opening his door and dragging Jai out with him, then rushing to the front door. 

"Alright alright calm down," Mum chuckled, following them to the door and unlocking it. 

"Let's go get dressed," Luke grinned at Jai, already tugging him to their room by his hand. 

"Luke looks happy to be home," Mum commented from behind me, dropping her handbag onto the dining table. 

"Really? I didn't pick that up," I replied sarcastically. 

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah, get your ass upstairs and get dressed. Your brothers want ice cream, so they're gonna get ice cream." 

"Of course lovely mother who kindly included that I also wanted ice cream." 

"Ha ha. Hurry up Beau." 

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to my room then got dressed into something other than my sweats and jumper which I had thrown on when we chased after Jai. 

"HURRY UP SLUT!" Luke screamed, pouncing on me as Jai stood by the door, bursting with laughter. 

"Get off you fat cunt!" I exclaimed, shoving his body off of me and standing up again, pulling a tank top on. 

"Fuck you! I want my ice cream!" 

"Be patient you little shit! I want ice cream as well you know! Why does no one consider me?!" 

"Oh shut up Beau," Both of them scoffed in unison, then stared at each other with grins on their faces. 

"Are we like secretly twins or something?" Luke gasped. 

"Oh my God maybe we are!" Jai replied with equal shock. 

"Here we go," I groaned, earning a playful glare from both of them.

"You got a problem? Huh? Huh?" Luke asked, getting all pumped up.

"Yeah, you. And if you don't get out of my room in point 5 seconds, you're not getting ice cream," I threatened, and their eyes widened before they both stumbled out into the hallway as fast as possible.

Shaking my head at my two younger brothers, I put on a random snapback, then made my way downstairs to find the twins tackling on the couch.

"No ice cream then? That's totally fine with me," I remarked, and they immediately ceased their fighting, jumping to their feet instantly.

"Ice cream!" Jai cheered, racing out of the front door with Luke hot on his heels. I like to tell myself that they're normal, mature, 16 year old boys. We all know that's bullshit.

- - - - -

"What flavour?" I asked the four boys standing eagerly behind me.




"Cookies and cream."

"Fuck there's cookies and cream? Lemme change to cookies and cream."

"Ok, one chocolate, one mint, two cookies and cream, aaaaaand yeah I'll have a chocolate as well," I ordered, watching the man scoop each of the flavours into separate cones.

He handed them out to us all, then I paid and we walked over to a nearby bench.

"Hellooo! As you might have seen in the latest vlog, I was in hospital, which Jai was kind enough to film on Tuesday. But I got out today! And we're eating ice cream!" Luke began speaking to his camera, I hadn't even realised he brought it.

"Hey!" I screamed at the lense, leaning over James and Jai in the process.

"Beau your ice cream is about to- FUCK THAT'S COLD!" James yelped as my scoop of ice cream fell onto his lap.

"Nooooo! My beautiful ice cream! It's all gone!" I wailed, staring from my cone to the now rapidly melting chocolate ice cream.

"Good job fucktard!" Daniel yelled, throwing his hands into the air, causing his cone to fly out of his hand, landing a few metres away.

"You can talk!" I exclaimed, laughing at his shocked expression.

"Twin brother who is the only other sane person in this world, would you care for a stroll around this beautiful park? Away from these dirty pigs?" Luke suggested to Jai, who nodded, chuckling at the rest of us.

With Luke still filming, the two of them got up from the bench and began to walk away. But not before I stuck out a leg, catching both of them and tripping them over, their ice creams flying to the ground.

Jai scowled at me, getting up and brushing off his clothes, but Luke stayed on the ground.

He turned his head to look at me, biting his lip as if in pain, "Um. Ouch?"

- - - - -

Just a bit of a playful chapter, because everything has been depressing lately, so we needed happy boys :)

Enjoy the ice cream gif, it's already made my stomach grumble several times XD

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