✏︎ Homework ✏︎

872 49 12

Word Count: 877

Jai's POV:

"Ouch what? What's wrong? What hurts?" I questioned, going into panic mode at once.

"I'm fine, my chest just hurts a bit," Luke mumbled back, sitting up then groaning.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I forgot," Beau apologised, kneeling beside Luke then helping him up onto the bench.

"Beau, it's fine, it's nothing major," Luke assured.

"Are you sure? Should we take you back to hospital to che-"

"BEAU! I'm okay! It will go away soon! It's not a big deal!"

"This ice cream is so good," James murmured and I cocked an eyebrow at him, realising that he was the only one left with his ice cream.

"Beau... Could you be an absolute angel... And get some more ice creams?" I asked innocently, making puppy dog eyes at him.

"You guys owe me," He grunted, going over to the parlour again and ordering more ice cream.

"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked Luke.


"Are you certain?"


"100% positive?"


"Definitely, undoubtedly-"

"Yes Jai. I'm fine. And anyway, you're not supposed to fuss over me, I fuss over you."

"Hey I can fuss over you if I want, you're hardly older than me."

"I'm still your big brother. So only I fuss over you. Kapeesh?"

"Yea yea."

He then grinned triumphantly, looking at Beau, "Good... Now where's my ice cream?"

- - - - -

"Whatcha watching?" Luke asked, flopping his body over my lap, then propping his chin on his hands and facing the television.

"A movie..." I replied, shifting over slightly on the couch to balance his weight.

"Step Brothers?"


"This was the first movie you watched remember?"

"Yea I remember."

"Do you know where Beau's at?"

"No, and shouldn't you be finishing homework? It's due tomorrow, and you had the whole time at hospital to do it, which of course you didn't take advantage of."

"Naw come on JaiJai please don't make me do that rubbish," He begged, giving me a puppy dog face.

"You can copy mine," I sighed in return and his pout turned to a grin.

"Thanks little bro," He teased, awkwardly getting up off my lap and elbowing my face in the process.

"Good job," I grumbled sarcastically, rubbing my cheek.

"Sorry brother!" He sung loudly, kissing my cheek then skipping to the dining table, clearly overjoyed at the fact that he didn't have to do any homework besides copying mine.

"Dick!" I yelled after him, but I couldn't stay mad at him for longer than 3 seconds, try it, it's impossible.

"Did we ever upload that 20 questions video by the way?" He questioned, looking up from his paper.

"Yea, I uploaded it when you were in hospital," I replied, nodding vaguely as I concentrated on the movie.

"Oh. I was gonna say we could make a new one but never mind," He said, looking back down. Then a few moments later, "I'm hungry. Are you hungry? We should go get food."

"Stop stalling! At least you're just copying shit, I actually had to use my brain!" I scolded.

"But there's so much to writeee," He complained and I glared at him.

"If you finish all of it, we can go get Maccas," I suggested and he huffed, which I took as an agreement.

"How are my two baby brothers?" Beau called out, slamming open the front door and strolling inside with James and Skip at his heel.

"Jai's making me do homework!" Luke answered, throwing his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes at him then looked back at the boys, "I'm letting him copy my homework and he keeps stalling."

The boys just rolled their eyes like me, and sat on the two couches.

"Step Brothers?" Skip questioned, sitting beside me and throwing his legs over my lap. 

"Yep, you guys up for Maccas after this? Luke was being a bitch so I had to bargain with him," I smirked at Luke's scoff, then looked back at the guys for their response. 

"Nah, we just ate. Have a fun date though," Beau teased. 

"Oh we will, won't we Jaibear?" Luke played along and I made a face at the nickname. 

"I don't think he wants to go out with you Lukey, he's making faces. His loss," James shrugged and I rose an eyebrow in his direction, earning an exaggerated wink from him. 

During the end credits of the movie, Luke finally exclaimed that he had finished the work, then literally pranced to our room to get a jumper for the both of us. When he returned he threw mine at my face, then waited at the door impatiently. 

"Damn Luke calm down," I drawled, pulling my jumper over my head then joining him at the door. 

"See ya cunts later!" Luke screamed, opening the door then strolling out. 

I rolled my eyes at his retreating figure, then stepped out of the door, locking it behind me and following him down the street to McDonalds. 

- - - - - 

Hello :)

I don't really know what to say in this a/n, so i'm just gonna say, hope you enjoyed the chapter, we'll have to see what happens soon ;)

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Bella ✏︎

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