☁︎ Cuddles ☁︎

836 54 15

Word Count: 586

(Let's pretend that Beau is 19 and the twins are 17 now for the sake of the story) 

And no this chapter has nothing to do with kittens, I just liked the gif XD

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Luke's POV: 

The rest of the day was uneventful. Beau talked to the doctors about Jai's injuries, as I just sat on the side of Jai's bed, squeezing his hand and speaking to him softly, even though he couldn't hear me. Beau explained to me that we were going to live just the three of us at home. He could continue working, me and Jai would get jobs of our own, then of course we could catch up on the Janoskians, and earn a bit of money from that. I had to assure him that he would be a perfect guardian for Jai and I, and that we would all manage together. 

"Come on Luke, we need to go home, get something to eat. We can come straight back tomorrow morning to see Jai ok?" Beau said, but I didn't want to leave Jai.  

"No. I'm staying. You can go home," I said, getting to my feet. 

"Luke please," Beau pleaded quietly, his voice cracking at the end, making my heart break with sorrow. I stared at him, his now dull green eyes begging for me to come home. He has been too strong for our family lately, he just needs us to be there, to be safe. 

"Ok," I whispered, and he half-smiled gratefully. 

"Come on then," He said, standing up. 

"Let me say bye to Jai," I replied quickly, walking into his room and to his bed, then placing a kiss on his forehead and whispering a goodbye. 

I then joined Beau outside and we drove back to the house in silence. 

"What would you like to eat?" Beau asked as we entered the house. 

"Just something simple please," I answered, so he fixed us some dinner, and we ate quietly before going up to our rooms. 

"Beau?" I asked when we reached the top of the stairs. 


"Can I sleep in your room tonight..?" 


I sighed gratefully, quickly going into my room to get dressed into something more comfortable then joining Beau in his room. He was already in bed doing something on his phone, so I walked over and rolled under the warm duna, watching him send a quick message to Skip and James, who had been spamming both of our phones since I left school. He then put his phone on the bedside table and moved around so that his arm was pillowing my head, and I was cuddled into his chest. 

"Night bub, have a good sleep," He whispered, his voice a bit husky which I presumed meant he was trying not to cry. 

"Night Beau, you too," I sighed, closing my eyes and pressing closer to him. I hadn't slept in the same bed as Beau since I was like 10 years old, but I liked it. It felt warm and comforting and safe. Which was exactly what I needed right now. 

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Just a bit of brotherly love between Beau and Luke, because normally it's the twins. Hope you liked this short chapter :)

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Bella ☁︎

P.S. If you're a fan of 5SOS, go check out my friend's [5SecondsofJustice] book 'Till Death Do Us Part'!! I've enjoyed it so far, soooo please go have a read! :)

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