✷ Frights ✷

846 51 21

Word Count: 659

Luke's POV: 

"How long is this food going to takeee?" I moaned, looking longingly at the front counter where a group of teenagers were collecting their meals. 

"We've been waiting for 3 minutes Luke," Jai pointed out, chuckling slightly. 

I shifted my gaze to him and pouted, causing him to laugh even harder. 

"127!" Some lady called out from the counter, and I lept to my feet, because that was the number on our ticket. 

Jai and I went up to the counter, collected our food, then went over to an empty booth, where I started to devour my Big Mac in an instant. 

"Hungry much," Jai commented, watching me shove food into my mouth. 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "I'm not hungry. I'm just internally suffering from an intense lack of food."

"Whatever piggy," He remarked, going back to his own meal as I shot him a glare. 

After our meals, we walked around the streets for around an hour, then eventually ended up at home. When we walked inside the boys were huddled on the couch, all tangled in blankets and watching some horror movie. They hadn't noticed us come inside yet, and were staring wide-eyed at the screen, so we both crept around to behind the couch, then all of a sudden jumped at them, screaming loudly. This  freaked them out so much they all screamed, and popcorn went flying in all directions. 

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Beau shouted when he realised it was just us. 

"Too bad i'm immortal then," I joked and they rolled their eyes while Jai just bit his lip, probably because my sentence reminded him of dad nearly killing me. "Bub it's ok," I said softly, giving him a smile, which he returned hesitantly.

Our moment was cut off however when Skip screamed really high-pitched. He had looked back at the movie only to see a ghostly white face pop up, catching him completely off guard. 

"What in God's name is going on in here?" A stern voice asked from the front door, looked like mum was home. 

"That face. Almost gave me. A heart attack," Skip gasped, while mum just pursed her lips and walked into the kitchen. 

"Have you boys had dinner?" She questioned, stepping back into the room. 

"Me and Luke just got back from maccas, and these three ate before that," Jai replied, and she nodded, disappearing back into the kitchen. 

"Luke tomorrow at school I want you to be extra careful ok? And you two boys I want you to take care of him understand?" She said after a while, walking back in with a bowl of chicken noodles and gesturing with her fork at Jai and James. 

"Mum seriously, it's really fine," I grumbled. 

"I'm serious Luke," She returned. 

"Don't worry!" 

"We'll look after baby Lukey!"

"Nothing will hurt him!" 

"We promise!" 

The rest of the boys yelled, and I rolled my eyes- something I seemed to be doing a lot today- before slumping back into the couch and staring grumpily at the television. A moment later I felt an arm snake around my waist and suddenly I was tugged to Jai's side. 

"We'll take care of you," He grinned, scrunching up his face adorably. 

"You don't need to," I huffed, only half-heartedly trying to move away from him, because honestly it was nice and warm where I was. 

"But we want to," He chirped, squeezing me into his side again and settling into the couch to continued watching the movie. 

"I love you," I said, tucking my head into his chest so my words came out slightly muffled. 

"I know," He replied cheekily, before adding an, "I love you too." 

- - - - -

Only a short chapter today, but I promise to have another one up very soon for you. Next chapter includes some drama so stay tuned for that ;) 

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Bella ✷

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