☾ Awake ☽

800 49 4

Word Count: 1185 

Jai's POV: 

"They've started to make plans for mum's funeral... We don't have a set date yet, but I really don't know how I feel about it. I don't know if I can do it Jai. I feel like i've accepted her death, but I know that I really haven't. Going to this funeral will take away any hopes of this all just being a dream, a nightmare. I don't want to go through it," Luke rambled to me. He didn't know that I could hear him, that I was clinging on to his every word in hopes that they would finally wake me up. His soft voice sounded so upset and weak that I just wanted to spring up, pull him into a hug, and stay there for eternity.

"Luke, come on, we're going now and we can come back tonight," A voice said, and Luke replied with a simple ok. I didn't want him to leave. And he didn't seem to want to leave either. He still gripped my hand, until finally he got to his feet, my hand slipping through his and down onto the mattress. 

No. He couldn't go again. This had happened for the last few days, he would sit and talk to me about his day or thoughts, then he would go and I couldn't do anything about it, but this time I really didn't want him to leave. I felt like if I just tried a little harder, I could do something, anything, that would make him stay. I felt the familiar touch of his lips on my forehead, then his shadow moved away from above me, and I wanted to yell at him. But I couldn't yell, I couldn't move, well that's until I forced my hand to twitch on the mattress. This seemed to go unnoticed by Luke, who was now walking to the door. 

I gritted my teeth and put all of my effort into moving something again, this time shifting my whole arm over. Luke saw this time, and gasped, running back to my bed to see if I was awake. I don't know if I was awake or not. I guess I was still asleep, yet with enough effort I could give a sign to him. 

"Jai? Jai are you awake?" He asked desperately, and I used all of my energy to squint one eye at him. It worked. I was awake. With a loud gasp, my body and mind seemed to break free from a daze, and I was brought back into reality, opening my eyes fully now. 

"Jai! You're awake! Oh my God you're awake!" He cheered, his face beaming down at mine as I reached a hand out to grip his. I felt relieved to see his face, then all of a sudden it wasn't his face, it was mum's, and she wasn't grinning. She was a ghostly white colour, her hand ice cold and her eyes staring at the opposite wall, unblinking. 

I stared at her, waiting for something to happen. And something did happen. An explosion sounded in the room, she collapsed to the floor, glass appearing from nowhere and a pool of blood growing under her head. Suddenly I felt just like I did during the crash, my chest tightened, and my head ached, making me scream and thrash around in my bed. 

Then all of a sudden the blood was gone, the pain quickly subsiding, and instead of a dead mother on the ground, Luke was staring at me, completely panic-stricken. Yet I continued to shriek, grabbing fistfulls of my sheets and thrashing around like a fish out of water. Two people rushed in, one of them leading a petrified Luke out of the room, while the other immediately held me down onto the bed. The second person returned, along with another figure, and they all helped to stop my struggling. 

I was finally lying still, my eyes squeezed shut, my fists clenched, and my teeth gritted to stop my screaming. I then blinked open my eyes to see one of the people scribbling on a clipboard, while two others left the room. I watched as one of the two that left came back in the room, holding a glass of water, and two tablets. 

"Jai, can you please take these for me?" She asked, her tone stern but kind. I sat up slightly, taking the water and tablets from her, then gulped them down. 

"What are they for?" I croaked, my throat itchy from screaming. 

"One is to help you calm down and fall asleep, which should take affect in a little while. The second one is for the pain." 

At first I was confused, then I noticed the excessive pain that I could feel in my chest and head. I thought it had gone when my panic-attack-thingy had stopped, but apparently it was still there, adrenaline had just made me forget about it. The medication kicked in a few moments later, and I immediately felt better. 

"Can I please see Luke?" I asked the now only remaining doctor in the room, which was the lady who had given me the tablets. She nodded and left the room, coming back a minute later with Luke beside her. 

I think another doctor explained to him what had happened, because he didn't look very traumatized, only sad. I didn't exactly know what had happened before, I just knew it was an attack of some sort, and I also didn't know what injuries I had. Luke sat next to my bed and I let out a sigh.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled, intertwining our fingers. 

"Don't be sorry. There is absolutely no reason for you to be sorry. None of this is your fault," He replied, giving me a serious look which I tried to ignore. I wanted to speak, to tell him how I was feeling, but right now I was exhausted from the sedatives that I took. 

I finally thought of something to say, but by then it was too late. My eyelids drooped closed, and I was swallowed by a blanket of darkness, also known as sleep. 

- - - - -

So this is just a glimpse of the effects that the crash will cause Jai... We'll have to see what happens :/

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