♥︎ Sorry ♥︎

790 55 21

Word Count: 805 

Beau's POV: 

"Beau can I see you in my office quickly?" Mindy- my boss- asked, her voice urgent. 

"Sure what is it?" I questioned, following her into her box of an office. 

"I just received a call to tell you that you need to go to the hospital immediately. You also need to bring your brother Luke," She told me, and I stared at her with wide eyes, my mind spinning with possibilities about why I would need to go to the hospital. "You might want to hurry Beau." 

I nodded, jogging outside and getting into my car, then driving to Penola to pick up Luke, before making our way to the hospital. Apparently all Luke knew was that Jai was in hospital, and that something big had happened which needed a thorough explanation. When we got to the hospital, we rushed to the front desk, then were sent to wait outside Jai's room. There, waiting for us, were two policemen, and a doctor. 

"Beau Brooks?" One of the the policemen asked me and I nodded. 

"Could we please speak with you?" The second officer questioned, so after a glance at Luke, I followed the three of them down the hall a bit so Luke couldn't hear I think. 

"Now Beau, there has been a serious accident involving your youngest brother, Jaidon, and your mother, Gina. They were driving home from the school I believe, when a truck hit the back of them, and swung it onto the footpath," The first officer explained. 

"Your brother is in a mild coma at the moment, but should be awake in the next couple of days. However he has several broken ribs, and a small head injury," The doctor continued. 

"Your mother however, has not been so lucky. I'm so sorry Beau, she didn't make it out of the crash," The second policeman finished, and for a moment I thought I was being pranked. But surely no one would go to these extents for a prank. That's too low. 

This is real. My mother is dead. Gone. Passed on. For some reason that didn't seem to click in my head yet. The shock of the news clouded over the heaviness of the situation. And now I have to tell Luke. I have to tell my baby brother, who has already been through enough, that his mother is dead. Without even remotely understanding in my mind what that really meant. 

"Beau are you ok?" The doctor asked, and I had to stop myself from punching him. Am I ok? If someone was just told that their mother died in a car crash, do you fucking think they would be ok? "Well you're free to go into Jaidon's room now. I'm so sorry for your loss," He then told me, and I almost scoffed at the absence of sincerity in his words.

Turning away from the three adults, I walked slowly back to Luke, desperately trying to hold in threatening sobs, so that I could be strong for my little brother.

"What did they need to talk to you about?" Luke asked, biting his lip in anticipation.

"Well. Luke... There was a car crash... Which both mum and Jai were in..." I began nervously.

"So where's mum?" He questioned, not quite putting two and two together yet.

"She's... She didn't make it," I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes as I tried to blink them back. I waited for a response from Luke, but all I got was a blank face and wide eyes. "Luke I'm so sorry," I whispered, stepping closer to him cautiously.

"She can't be gone. She can't be dead," He demanded, but the look in his eyes told me that he already knew I was telling the truth.

I didn't reply, and instead wrapped my arms around him, pulling his now trembling body to my chest and running a hand through his hair. I felt my shoulder dampen as Luke's shoulders shook, and I allowed several tears roll from my own eyes. 

"She can't be gone. She can't be. That doesn't just happen. She can't be gone." He muttered to himself, and as much as I wanted to say something, my mouth couldn't seem to form the words. I licked salty tears off my lips and squeezed my eyes shut, holding him tighter than I ever had before. 

It seemed like an eternity before he stood back, wiping his still watering eyes, and asked, "When can we go in and see Jai?"

I sighed sadly, gripping his hand tightly in mine, "We can go now."

- - - - -

I almost cried writing this :'(

So the boys know that Gina has died, and now we will have to see what happens when Jai wakes up...

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Bella ♥︎

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