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Word Count: 1129 

Yes this chapter involves a panic attack. No it does not involve Dylan O'Brien. Even though he is the most amazing person on this planet, he is not in this story XD

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Luke's POV:

Today we were going to pick up Jai finally. Yesterday Beau talked to us both about school, and whether we wanted to start as soon as Jai was physically capable of going, or if we wanted a while off because of the recent events. We were going to choose the latter, then Jai decided that he would like to go to school as soon as possible.

'If we spend a lot of time at home we will use it all mourning over mum, which isn't what we need. School can be a distraction, and the teachers know what happened so they'll make sure nothing too intense happens to us' he had said. So, in a couple of days when Beau is sure that Jai will be fine, the two of us will go back to school. Which i'm definitely not looking forward to.

"Morning Jai," I chirped as I stepped into his room.

"Morning," He mumbled, stuffing something under his pillow quickly.

"I'm just going to sign the papers and shit, then we can go, sound good?" Beau asked from the door and we just nodded in response.

"How was your sleep?" I questioned, sitting on a chair next to Jai's bed.

"Let's just say I didn't get any," He sighed, averting my eye contact and looking down at his lap.

"What? Why? Jai, you need to be resting," I scolded, shifting forwards in my seat.

"I just couldn't."

"Why? Have you told anyone?"

"No. Just drop it Luke."

"Well how are you feeling?"


"Fine as in 'ok' or fine as in 'im dying inside and no one understands'?"

"I'm ok Luke. Just stop nagging."

"Jai if you need to talk I'm all ears."

"I don't need to talk. I need to be left alone."


"So you want me to leave?" I asked accusingly, getting to my feet and furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"I don't know," He whispered, his voice broken and unsure, making my temper fall immediately.

"What do you mea-"

"I mean I don't know what I want! I don't know! Fuck!" He exclaimed, balling his hands into fists and slamming them down onto the mattress.

"Is there a problem in here?" A nurse asked, popping her head around the corner of the doorway.

"No, we were just getting ready to leave," I replied, glancing at Jai before walking to the door. The nurse left as Jai slipped out of the hospital bed then walked past me as if I were invisible.

I walked out of the building and to the car where Beau was waiting, "Where's Jai?"

"Bathroom," I answered, still thinking about Jai's reaction before, it was strange, but then again he had been acting very differently lately. I decided to bring this up with Beau.

"Have you noticed how different Jai's been acting?"

"Well what did you expect Luke. He was in a car accident and almost died. He watched... He watched mum d-die. Give him some time and he'll come around."

I bit my lip at the mention of the car accident and mum's death. It was always a hard thing to hear someone say. That our mother was gone. Something that will never be easy to accept. Jai appeared at the hospital doors a moment later, and just stared at Beau's car, looking absolutely terrified. Beau looked at me and I stared back, giving him a 'what?' face. He rolled his eyes and nudged his head in Jai's direction, gesturing for me to help Jai.

I nodded and walked to my twin brother, who was still frozen to the spot in horror. Still staring at the car, he didn't notice me snake an arm around his waist and start edging him towards the car. However when he realised what I was doing, he jumped away from me, turning to face me with a betrayed expression.

"I'll walk," He stated, turning around and walking along the pathway. I shook my head at Beau as he opened his mouth to yell out, then began walking up to Jai. When I caught up to him I slipped a hand into his slightly shaking one.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should've known you wouldn't want to go in a car for a while," I apologised, glancing back at Beau who nodded and got in his car to drive home without us.

I waited for a response from Jai, but only heard faint sniffs and shaky sobs. I stopped walking immediately, pulling him also to a stop, then watched as he released my hand, taking short breaths as tears rolled down his face.

"Jai? Jai you're ok, it's ok," I said, taking a step towards him as his body started to shake and his breaths became even shorter, now struggling to take in air. "Jai! Jai you're alright. Listen to me, you're ok, I'm here, nothing is going to happen to you," I tried to reason with him, making him sit on a brick wall.

I sat next to him, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on my chest, then putting my spare hand on his, feeling his racing heart and quick intakes of air. "Jai, breathe with me. Concentrate on my breathing ok? That's it, breath Jai, just focus on my breaths and try to match them ok? Look at me Jai, see, I'm here, nothing his happening to you, just concentrate on breathing like me. In, and out. In, and out," I instructed, and slowly his breaths matched mine, going at a steady rhythm. I dropped my hand from his chest and he did the same, still focussing on his breathing.

"I'm sorry," He gasped.

"Jai I've said this before and I'll say it again. You don't have to say sorry. Because this isn't your fault. Now let's start walking home then you can have your favourite hot chocolate and sleep in your own bed finally," I smiled lightly and he nodded. I pulled him to his feet and without letting go of his hand, we continued on our way back home.

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Hellooooo my beautiful people! Sorry this update is a bit overdue, I was away for several days with no internet like usual -_-

But this is an update for you amazing humans. Oh and I know this is a bit late but shout out to whoever it was that recognised me on YouNow and decided to message me, I was so shocked but very happy :)))

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Brothers #2 [Sequel to Brothers • Brooks Brothers Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now