❤︎ I Love You ❤︎

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Word Count: 702

Luke's POV: 

I was way too impatient to get out of this hospital. I mean, i'm still healing, but I could have done all this healing at home, not in a stupid hospital bed with nothing to do and restricted visitors. With the thought of going home in a few hours, I slid out of the bed, trotting out into the hallway to go to the bathroom. It was only 8am at the moment, so I had an hour before mum and the boys would be here. 

Just before I stepped into the bathroom however, a I heard someone shout my name from down the corridor. "Luke!" The familiar voice yelled again, and I turned my head to see Jai hurtling down the corridor, straight at me. 

"Jai? What are yo-" My sentence was cut off as he collided with my body, knocking us both to the floor. Not that he cared, because he just wrapped his limbs tight around me, burying his face into my neck. 

"I missed you too?" I squeaked, kind of struggling to breathe because of how tight he was squeezing me. I then noticed the silent sobs escaping his lips, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Jai what's wrong?" 

"Jai where did you g- oh thank God," A relieved voice sounded from a few metres away. I looked up at my mum and Beau, who were already making their way over to us. 

"What happened?" I asked them, still sitting on the ground with Jai wrapped around me. 

"He had a dream. We don't know what about, but it was bad. When he woke up he wanted to see you, then ran out of the door before we could do anything. I guess he didn't bother at the front desk, because we had to explain everything when we arrived," Mum answered, chewing on the inside of her lower lip, a habit she picked up not very long ago. 

"Bub, let's go into the room yea?" I said softly to Jai, who sniffed and nodded his head. I decided on carrying him back to the room, because it wasn't very far and he was much lighter than your average teenage boy. 

When we got to the room, I sat him down on my bed, while mum disappeared to sign my papers to leave and Beau took his usual spot in a chair. 

"Jai you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked quietly, taking a seat next to him and lacing my fingers through his to calm him down a bit. 

"It was dad," He whispered, "He burnt you alive, right in front of me." 

I squeezed his hand gently, "What else?" 

"You were screaming. You were dying. And I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save you," He sobbed, his voice growing hoarse. "I couldn't save you, and I couldn't save myself." 

"He killed you?" I murmured. 

"He burnt me as well. And I screamed, then I just woke up," He croaked, now gripping my hand as if his life depended on it. 

"Bub, it was just a dream. Just a nightmare. We're alive. We're safe. And I promise you, that it will stay that way. I won't let anyone harm a single brown curl on your head till the day I die okay?"

"Why? Why are you so determined to keep me safe?" 

"Because I love you. And because you're my little brother, it's my job to keep you safe. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. Okay?" 


"I think i'm going to cry," Beau sniffed, half joking, half pretending-to-be-joking-but-actually-being-serious. 

"Too bad, i've beaten you to it," Jai replied with a small grin, several tears rolling down his face. 

"This got too deep, I think I need some fresh air," I stated, dramatically fanning my face. 

"Ice cream anyone?" Mum asked from the door. 

A big grin grew over my face as I jumped off the bed, "Hell yeah!"

- - - - -

It got too emotional, I just had to cut the line, with ice cream of course. Because who doesn't like ice cream? ;) 

Hope you enjoyed this second chapter loves x

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Bella ❤︎

Brothers #2 [Sequel to Brothers • Brooks Brothers Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now