✦ Blood ✦

844 55 29

Word Count: 1038

Sorry in advance... 

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Jai's POV: 

I woke up this morning with some sort of stomach ache. I stumbled to my feet and went to the kitchen for some water, but that didn't seem to soothe the pain. Mum was leaving soon, so I walked to her room. 

"Mum. Do we have medicine for stomach aches?" I asked, walking into the room. 

"Yea why?" She questioned, walking past me to the bathroom, then going through the cabinet. 

"I just woke up and my stomach is acting all funny," I told her, watching her take out some tablets. 

"Here, take these and if you don't feel any better during the day, you can ask for me to pick you up from school," She instructed, dropping the tablets into my hand. 

"Thanks mum," I replied, going back to the kitchen and getting a new glass of water to take the tablets. Obviously they didn't start their magic immediately, so I just went up to mine and Luke's room to start getting ready for school. 

"You're up earlier than usual, don't I always have to wake you up?" Luke asked as I entered. 

"Stomach bug," I grunted in return, going to the closet and taking out my uniform. 

We both finished getting ready for school, saying our goodbyes to mum and Beau as they left for work. We chose to walk to school this morning, because Luke had been cooped up in the hospital for all that time. James joined us when we reached the front gate, and the two of us made a very exaggerated act of protecting Luke from anything that could hit his stitches. 

"Guys, fuck off, or i'm going to punch the both of you," Luke threatened, but we ignored it and continued to be his security guards. My stomach ache had died down a bit, but during third period it got worse again, to the point that I felt like throwing up every second. 

I told the teacher at the time, Mrs Bourke, and she sent me to sick bay immediately. After sitting in sick bay for like 20 minutes, mum turned up out of nowhere to take me home. I hadn't even realised that the nurse had called her. I'll bet anything that the nurse thought I was Luke, and that the pain was much more serious that it actually was, but if I could skip a day of school, sure. 

"Jai honey did the tablets do anything?" Mum asked as we walked out of the school. 

"They helped a bit during the first half of the day, but then it just got worse than this morning," I explained, getting into the passenger side of the car. 

"Well you'll take the day off school, then we'll see what it's like tomorrow." 

She started the car, then pulled out of her parking spot, driving down to the end of the street. Then before either of us knew what was happening, something hit us from behind, and the car was sent spinning into the curb, before slamming against the gutter and flipping the car upside down in the air, then down onto the pathway with a crunch. 

I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything. Glass shattered around me as my head spinned, jammed against the top of the car as the world turned upside down. My body went rigid as my seatbelt tightened around my chest, shortening my already sharp breathes. I felt like throwing up, while at the same time I felt as if my head was splitting apart. Still upside down, I brought my hand to my head, feeling a thick liquid run slowly through my hair. 

An alarm sounded from a distance, and I tried to concentrate on my surroundings as it came ever closer. I looked to my right, eyes scavenging for my mother, only to see her unmoving in her seat. Now panicking, my fingers fumbled with my seatbelt clasp, and when I finally got it undone, I reached over to my mother, searching for any signs of major injury that could mean she was worse than just knocked out. 

I didn't need to search for long, as the same red liquid on my head was now spilling from mum's, and this time I could scream. Tears now falling rapidly down my face, I screamed harder than ever, my throat on fire as I continued to shriek. I could faintly hear people yelling from outside the turned car, but that didn't matter to me. I stopped my screaming, and instead tried to find mum's hand through my blurred tears. When my fingers brushed over her cool, small hand, I immediately took it into mine and squeezed with all my might. 

The door on my side of the car swung open, and men started to try and pull me out, but I screamed and struggled, clinging onto mum's hand until I was finally dragged out of the upturned car. Still fighting to reach my mother, I was placed onto a stretcher, and wheeled to an ambulance. Stopping my struggles, I used my last energy to look back at the scene, and oh how I wish I didn't. 

Mum's car was lying upside down on the footpath, smashed at all angles, and graffitied with streaks of blood. A truck behind it had slammed into a thick tree, the whole front squashed and littered with pieces of glass. But the thing I regret most about turning around were the two figures, lying on the footpath, both covered with white sheets, yet unable to hide the deep red blood seeping through the cloth onto the concrete. 

That was the last day I ever heard the voice of my mother again. And I would do literally anything to have that be me under the cloth, instead of her. 

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Dun dun duuuuu... 

This was an intense chapter, and was very emotional to write DX I am sorry to all of you who will now be mad at me for doing this :( But I needed something dramatic to change shit up. I had been planning this from the beginning so... sorry :/

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