Possession of the Alpha (In Control)

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Hazels P.O.V

I woke up abruptly to the sound of my alarm clock,lifting my head from my pillow I then threw out my hand to turn it off.For a moment I sat in silence,just trying to wake up fully. I suddenly felt a smile start to tug on my lips when I realised I would be seeing Joshua in less than and hour and a half. The smile fully took over when I remembered I would be moving into the pack house today! I jumped from my bed and did a little dance over to my dresser to pick out my clothes. I glanced out the window to see that it was actually sunny today,I heard the weather isn't that good around here so took the opportunity to wear some summer clothes. I picked out a pear of ripped denim shorts,a white tank top,a green hoodie (just in case the weather decided to change) and my white hightop converse. I then did my hair,makeup and then brushed my teeth before grabbing my backpack and skipping downstairs. Turning the corner from the stairs to the kitchen I saw mom had made me pancakes yet again. I you think I would get bored of them but I never do,so kissed my mom then quickly sat down to devour them. Just before scoffing down another mouthful I realised I hadn't told my mom about moving to the pack house....this was my chance. I took a breath then started.


She looks up from the paper she was reading and smiles "yes honey?"

I bit my bottom lip "umm you know I told about how I met my mate yesterday and about how he was the alpha of the pack I joined?"

Her face suddenly lit up "he's the alpha?" She asked excitedly,I obviously hadn't told her.

"Oh....and yeah he is. Ummm well we were talking yesterday and he wants me to move into the pack house with him........and I said...I would." I squinted near the end as I feared how she would react. She would have been fine if I had cleared it out with her before agreeing but I hadn't so I was actually scared.

Her face somehow lit up again "oh honey that's great,of course you can!" I opened my eyes and let my mouth drop. Did she just agree?

"I can?" I ask,still very confused.

She nods "actually I was going to ask if I could join the pack as well,obviously not move in because I love this house but I really don't like the rouge life so far" I grin and run round the table to hug her. I wrap my arms around her then kiss her forehead.

"That's great mom he said he'd like you to join!" I yell,causing her to yelp as I was right next to her ear at the time. I jump up and down then rush back to my pancakes as I realise I still hadn't eaten them. She smiles at me and I then dig into the remains of the pile on my plate.

Being a werewolf we eat loads,so mom always cooks enough for about 6 humans and that just about fills us both up. Despite the amount I eat I still never seem to gain any weight. I stay thin,thankfully it's a good size it's not like creepy thin its healthy thin. I'm about a size 2 in USA sizes and a 6 in U.K sizes,both very small. I kind of take advantage of it,eating everything I want because I know I can get away with it. Being a werewolf is probably one of the main reasons,especially since in NewYork I was active everyday. I shake my head to pull myself out my thoughts and stuff in the last mouthful of syruppy goodness.

I stand up and put my plate in the dishwasher,before grabbing my water and my lunch money. I then check myself in the mirror once again,I looked good. Mom was right behind me and followed me out to the car before clicking the button. I eye her suspiciously then warily pull down the handle,it opens with no problems hmm maybe she was finally growing up. I climb into the passenger seat and sit my weight on the chair,only to jump back up as a fart sound comes from beneath me. I look over to find my has fallen over from laughing and is rolling on the floor holding her stomach. I look beneath me to see a whoopy cushion had been places under me,so immature. She finally stands up and gets in the car.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now