Possession of the Alpha (Closer)

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Hazels P.O.V

I quickly ran outside our bedroom door,not that it would matter because with werewolf senses Josh would hear me anyway. Not to mention soon the mind link will kick in,once a mate marks his/her mate they can hear one another's thoughts. I cringe a little and listen to moms lecture down the phone,I dare not speak not argue.....I don't want to die. I can see the headlines right now "Teenage girl gets savagely murdered by her own mother". I snicker at myself for thinking such stupid things,oh I wish I didn't.

"Hazel Olivia Jones,did you just snicker at me?" Her voice hurt my ears as she screamed it,making sure I could hear the venom in her voice. I pant quickly and try to back up.

"No mom,I wasn't laughing at you I promise" I ramble a little,saying it so it sounds like one word. I was really scared of my mom when she used that tone,despite her cute exterior she could be really vicious when she needed to be.

"You better not be young lady! Skipping school? Hazel I am so angry with you I could spit!" She emphasised the t in the word spit making me think that she probably did spit as she said it. I huffed out and leant against the wall,sliding down till I was sitting on the floor. Oh why did I have to be so stupid,I could have packed when I got home......ugh damn my low self control.

"I'm sorry mom,I-I dunno why I did it,I guess I just wanted to spend more time with josh. I won't do it again." I close my eyes and begin banging the back of my head against the wall in frustration. I hear her sigh down the phone,my stomach jumps a little at the thought of her letting me off just this once.

"I know Hazel...I was young once, and to be fair I skipped school on a regular basis. I will not ground you this time but you will take any punishment the school give you" I nod eagerly,but then realise she can't see me and I need to talk. "I will mom" I chirp, a little smile crawling onto my face. I bring my hand up to my head and push it through my hair. She asked me about how it was going at the packhouse, I bit my lip and made up some thing about us getting takeout and now going to bed. She laughed and I knew she didn't believe me,but what was I going to say "oh yeah josh just gave me the most amazing pleasure,aren't you proud of your little girl?" Nah did not fancy that chat. We said goodbye and I hit the end call button quickly. I scrambled to my feet and put my hands on my knees and bent over so I could catch my breath,I don't even know how I got out of that.

I stand up then push the door to our room open and find josh,still sitting on the bed but this time cross legged. He saw my expression of relief and shot me a similar one,I knew he had obviously heard "you alright now were out the woods?" He asked,snickering a little. I laughed back and crawled onto the bed to sit next to him "much!" I said widening my eyes.

I glanced over to the clock to see it was 1:30am,I groaned "c'mon we should get some sleep,we've both got school tomorrow" I tug at his arm and he nods in agreement,I slide off the bed and run to MY wardrobe to get some PJs. I suddenly realise how hot it is in here,so pick a pair of white pyjama shorts with a lacy hem and the matching top. It's not revealing so I didn't mind wearing it infront of him. I took them into our en suite and locked the door before getting changed,I trusted josh but he was still a pervert god knows he would jump at the chance to barge in on me half naked! I dressed quickly then gathered my clothes from today into a pile in my arms,I saw there was a washing basket in there so dropped them in that before leaving.

I froze in place when I saw josh,my eyes almost popped out of my head they were so wide. He was lying there in his black kalvins with his arms behind his head. I raked his body with my eyes taking it all in,his toned arms,rock hard stomach,tanned legs. Oh he was a god!

"Oh now look who's the pervert" he smirks and comments sarcastically. I look up at his eyes suddenly and see he's doing the exact same thing to me!

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now