Possession of the Alpha (History)

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Hazels P.O.V

Josh finished his announcements then reached down to entwine his fingers in mine. I would have slapped him away,I was way confused and very suspicious about the looks I was getting. I knew josh had slept with a few people but how many is a few? I ignored the urge to hit him and let him take my hand,I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his pack. He led me off the stage and then out of the meeting room to the elevator. I glanced around as we were walking down the hall,still noticing the same girls glaring at me. I felt Josh tense beside me and I guessed he had heard my thoughts (as of yet I haven't perfected the mind block,I'll get there!) we stopped infront of the lift and I whipped my head to him. I narrowed my eyes at him and hissed at him in my mind "well talk about this upstairs!" He gulps and tries to look all innocent.

I'm sorry mate but that ain't gunna work! You got about 20 girls in there who were practically sharpening their daggers to attack me with,and you wanna act all sweet and innocent? Oh if this isn't sorted out soon someone is SO sleeping on the couch!

He doesn't respond. The elevator arrives and we both slide in awkwardly. There was a young boy in their with us,so I thought better of snapping at him right now. The boy lowered his head on respect to us then ran out eagerly when it came to his floor. Me and josh stood silently until the bell singe again telling us we were at level 5. I barged out the lift and stomped into our room,throwing myself on the bed and waiting for an explanation. He walked in slowly and leaned against the now closed door,guilt practically dripping off his face. I sigh heavily and put my head in my hands,I probably was over reacting I should listen to his side of the story. I look up and muster as gentle smile,this seems to reassure him abit and he joins me sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Yes,I slept with them" he says flatly. I feel a sharp pinch in my chest,it really did hurt to think about him with anyone else even if I didn't know him then. I turned to him and nodded in understanding,I respected him being honest I really did. I had to ask him,just for simple curiosity. I bore my eyes into his and breathe out heavily preparing myself.

"How many girls have you slept with?" All colour drained from his face and he sat as white as I've ever seen him. He looked at me nervously "are you sure you really want to know that?" I thought he was kidding,but from the shock on his face I realised he wasn't. Jeez how many could it be? I sigh and look down towards my shoes.

"I don't wanna,but Ive gotta" I say,looking back up to him. I loved him so much,I needed to know roughly where he'd been. There was so much I had to tell him about my history that I felt I should know abit of his as well. He nodded and started playing with his hands nervously.

"46" he blurted,making me feel physically sick. 46? 46 fricking girls? Well I atleast hoped all 46 were girls but you never know do you? I gagged "yes they were all girls!" He snapped,softening his expression quickly when he sees his tone had hurt me. I hated when alphas snapped like that,I'd had allot of that in my last pack. His face suddenly grew suspicious and I mentally slapped myself for not blocking that out.

"What do you mean you had allot of that in your last pack?" He knelt infront of me so he was directly infront of my legs. I looked down then back up at him "I dated the alpha there for a little bit" I looked up suddenly when I heard him growl quietly. I narrowed by eyes at him and stood up and jumped over him,he stood up also so e was again infront of me.

"What was that for?" I hissed

"I knew you dated but I didn't know it was another alpha" he moaned I should have told him sooner. I can't judge his mistakes,I've made plenty of my own. He steps even closer to me and pulls me gently into his chest.He rest his head on my head and kisses my hair.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my big number,honestly I regret each one now" I nod against him and then apologise also.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jamie,I should have. I just didn't think it mattered anymore." I expected a further kiss or even a proper embrace,but all I felt was him tense.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now