Possession of the Alpha (Rouge on campus)

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Hazels P.O.V

My stomach was doing countless backflips and I felt like I was going to be sick.After my mom had driven off, it hit me that I was now on my own. I breathed in deeply trying to calm my nerves,telling me and my wolf we would be okay.

Breathe in....

Breathe out....

Breathe in....

And out....

Despite my attempt to calm my nerves my wolf was still on edge,I could hear her whining inside me. She really didn't want to be here. I shrugged it off and walked towards the reception. The school was quite big and I already knew I was going to end up getting lost,my sense of direction was aload of crap as a human. I actually am allot more poised as a wolf. I opened the glass door and came face to face with a large desk. A small curly haired women with glasses sat behind it,giving me a wide smile. I walked towards her and smiled in response before introducing myself.

"Hi I'm a new student,Hazel Jones." I chirped timidly,my cheeks began to ache after a while and I realised I was still grinning like an idiot. Nice move Hazel!

Her face lit up at the mention of my name and I could practically see the little light bulb in her head. She stood up suddenly and rushed over to a cabinet over flowing with piles of different coloured paper. She scrambled around in there for a little while before stepping back with a piece of paper and saying "Aha!" That made me giggle a little,it made me happy that there was someone here who was as weird as me. Even if it was just the receptionist. She tottled back to the desk and slid the paper to me. "Your schedule. Your first lesson is just down the hall from here so it shouldn't be too hard to find" she smiled brightly and then waved a goodbye to me as I turned and exited reception.

I looked down at my schedule to see I had literature first. I sighed deeply then folded up the paper and stuffed it in side my backpack. I zipped it back up and then put it back over my shoulder, to begin looking for my class. I wandered down the hall,looking at the numbers on the classroom doors trying to find room A3113. I occasionally had to look down to avoid eye contact with horny teenage wolves. Seriously they were terrible,I mean yeah I'll admit some of them were majorly hot but at this moment in time I just wanted to get to class. My gaze wondered over to one boy,he was blonde,heavy built and about 6 ft. Ugh so fit...

I suddenly felt something against my foot and then the floor disappearing beneath me. I fell forward knocking over the person in front of me and falling on top of them. We both landed with a thump, and it didn't take long at tall for me to smell that they were also a wolf. He grumbled when he hit the ground and looked up at me with a scowl plastered on his gorgeous face. Ugh why were all the wolves here so damn good looking. A growl rumbled through his chest as he pushed me roughly off him and stood up sharply. I managed to get back onto my feet and looked timidly up to him,fear now very evident in my eyes. His eyes narrowed down to me and suddenly went black with anger.

"Rouge" he spat,and I suddenly remembered I was supposed to be keeping my head down and not drawing attention to myself. I looked around to see a small group of werewolves had gathered around us.

Crap.......I was going to die.

They all closed in around me,the sound of the growls getting louder.

"Get alpha Parker!" One of them hissed and I suddenly felt my whole body stiffen with anger. No I was not going to die before I even made it to first period. I suddenly growled very loudly making a few if them back away cautiously. They didn't move completely but just enough for a gap to appear in the circle,enough for me to jump through them an begin darting down the hall. I began running as fast as I could in human form,causing humans down the hall to stare at me in fear and confusion. I could hear the group growling and catching up to me so I began searching desperately for my class room. My wolf began bounding around my head in excitement when my eyes suddenly met the plaque on the door reading A3113. I grabbed the handle and pulled it down quickly,jumping inside my class and slamming the door in panic.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now