Possession of the Alpha (Forever)

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Hazels P.O.V

We made our way down the aisle then began walking towards the reception area,my fingers were still entwined in Josh's and I'd never been so happy.Everyone else apart from me,Kasey,Max,Lilly and Chase was still seated and had to remain until we had made it to the reception,we began walking.

"Well hello Mrs Parks" he whispered cheekily in my ear,we were still walking but as his lips brushed my ear I couldn't help but moan a little,just his tone! God my HUSBAND was sexy.

Ahhhhhh husband!

I turned to face him and smiled widely "I'm officially your wife" I whispered and he smirked back at me...I could tell tonight was gunna be eventful.

We entered the reception and I gasped as I saw exactly what I asked for....it was perfect...so beautiful. Arches with flowers and miss threaded through them,hanging flowers,spotlights and twinkle lights in the trees,a large table full of buffet foods nice and casual just like we wanted. Then finally I almost cried when I saw the wedding cake,the mad hatter cake I explained to the catering company,it was amazing! Josh gasped and snickered when he saw my face

"I'm so glad you had your dream day,that's all I wanted" I turned to face him and linked my arms around his neck and rested my forehead against his.

"My dream day is anyway that I spend with you" he gently pulls me towards him and presses his lips to mine. I immediately deepen it and he does not object,this time I licked his lip and asked for access. He smirked against my lips and kept his mouth closed....jerk. I pull back and shrug at him.

"Fine whatever,i think we should start talking to some of the guests" he smirks at me then pulls me close again.

"Okay and I'm sorry,if it makes you feel any better your free to punish me later tonight" I smirked back at him then quickly glanced around to see we were still alone,I reached down and gabbed his ass,making his smirk once again. He pulled away then began to walk towards where the guests would be coming from,I snicker to myself then attempt to run to catch up with him.

Lilly's P.O.V

We followed Hazel and Josh into the reception but as soon as Chase spotted a free table he gently guided me towards it,he wanted to talk about last night still and honestly so did i. I followed after Chase and when we got to the table instead of sitting beside Chase I slid onto his lap,I was sitting sideways on him as it probably wasn't appropriate for me to straddle him in public! He looked up at me and then reached up and gently caressed my cheek.

"Can I ask you why you held out so long?" I bit my lip but reluctantly nodded,it was stupid but I guess it's fair that he knows.

"Yeah umm,I was just worried that...that...you'd loose interest in me after we did it so soon in the relationship. If I sucked that you'd reject me." I looked down but then had a gentle finger underneath my chin guiding it up,he had hurt in his eyes and I regretted telling him. I'd managed to perfect the mind block so I was using it for now.

"You thought I'd do that?" I reluctantly nodded and he bit his lip "I will never loose interest in you and I will certainly NEVER reject you. You are the most beautiful girl alive and the most sweet,caring,kindheartedu..perfect" he tilted his head and planted a few kisses up and down my bare neck. I sighed then closed my eyes trying to gain control of my wolf.

"I'm sorry,I didn't really know you at first and that's why I thought that,but now I do. I love you and I trust you with all my heart"

"Okay" he shot me the most beautiful smile and I practically melted in his lap,I leant down and smashe my lips on his. He ran his hand up my leg and I gently tugged on the back of his hair,I again went to my neck and gently purred against me.

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