Possession of the Alpha (The Dress)

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Not edited,but hope you like it anyway! :)

Hazels P.O.V

The international meeting was tomorrow and I was dreading it. The idea of seeing Jamie terrified me,I loved Josh and I didn't want my history tainting anything between us. Jamie was my history and always would be,I would never look at him the way I used to,not only because I had my mate but also because Jamie could be violent. He never physically hurt me but his words were enough to leave me depressed for days.He would insult me,tell me I was worthless,ugly,fat,the usual stuff but those words really hurt when they're being said by someone you loved.

I shook those thoughts off and stood from the edge of the bed,Josh had been constantly busy in his office for the past week with preparations for the meeting so I had been hanging with Kasey allot more. It was 8:00am and we were going shopping at 9 to buy me a dress for the meeting. It was a formal event so everyone dressed up.

The meeting was held in a place about 2 and a half hours from here and we stayed in a hotel built specifically for werewolves. The meeting lasted the whole weekend and apparently it was excruciatingly dull. They discussed issues facing the werewolf world today,any battles that some of the packs may need to help with,any help packs needed,things like that. Thankfully I only needed to be at the welcoming and the goodbye meeting and the rest of the time I can chill at the hotel.

I had dressed for the weather today,so had worn my ripped jeans,black hollister tank top and a white zip up hoodie. My hair and makeup was done and I looked okay,we were only going to the mall and I wasn't bothered about dressing up. I left the room,grabbing my money and my phone then stuffing them into my bag,josh had been calling allot more when I went out so I always took my phone. If I didn't answer he would come and find me and I didn't fancy that! I decided to say goodbye to Josh before going so i gently knocked on his office door then slid it open.

"Come in" he croaked,I could tell he hadn't slept,his voice always went like that when he didn't sleep.I poked my head round the door,causing him to smile widely at me.

I stepped forward and kissed him lightly.

"Me and Kasey are just going out to buy me a dress for tomorrow,thought I'd pop in and say bye to my big strong alpha" I joke and he laughs with me and pulls me down for another kiss. He slides me on his lap,our lips never parting. I could see this getting heated so decided to pull back,I needed to meet Kasey and I wouldnt be out for roughly 20 minutes if we had sex. Yes and thats on a bad day,we can usually go for ages,i know its weird. His expression sinks and he looked like a kid who just found out there was no Santa Claus. My head flew back as I began laughing,this was too funny,just as funny as the time I left him in a closet in school with a boner!

Good times...

"I'll be back in a few hours,if you've finished in here then I'll show you some.." I raise my hands to do air quotes "loving" he smiles then raises his eyebrow.

"Oh for some-" he also did air quotes "loving" "I'll definitely be done in here" he smirked,raking my body with his eyes,i shivered under the look,I'd missed him. I sighed then left his office towards the lift.

Me and Josh hadn't had sex for about 2 weeks now and it was killing us both.Weve been so busy and we just haven't had time,josh had been sleeping in the office for the past week so I barely saw him. The week before I'd been with my mom,enrolling her in the pack and helping with stuff at home.

My dad was coming to visit in a month or so,so neither me or my mom could wait. It had been 7 months since I've last seen him and I'm desperate for him to meet Josh. Honestly I don't know how mom survived 7 months without her mate! When I asked her about how she survived during heat she replied "well in cases like that you have to take measures into your own hands" ugh I almost threw up...the image of....ugh...no it's not even worth mentioning.

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