Possession of the Alpha (Mommy?)

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Hazels P.O.V

I'd already done the "process" and was now sitting on the edge of the bath tub,I'd put the test on the toilet tank and was now resting my head in my hands. I heard the door handle suddenly turn and I could already smell it was Josh,I kept my head down but didn't shrug him off when he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Whatever happeneds,I'm gonna be here. Whatever you wanna do is fine with me.If you want to keep it,ill help with the night feeds,take shifts so my beautiful mate can get some rest,be here whenever you need a break,make you smile and still make time for us when the babys sleeping,you name it ill do it" I raised my head at his words and couldn't help but smile,I leant against his touch and he wrapped me further in his arms. I nod against his chest and bury my head further into him,his scent was so comforting. His words made this whole thing so more better,I know I was young but as I said I would be with him forever so what if I was? Where was the harm? Yeah that's what I tried telling myself but my inner voice was speaking my honest thoughts.

'I'm not ready for this'

I realised I had already waited a few minutes before he came in so it has got to be time,I sighed and pulled away from josh keeping my hand tangled in his. I tried to stand up to grab the test.....I tried. I sat their bewildered not able to move,I was too stunned. Josh shook me gently prompting me to stand up but I stayed in my little fantasy,I couldn't do this.

"Do you want me to read it?" He leans in and bores his emerald eyes directly into my hazel ones.I open my mouth to talk but find myself just gaping,I shake my head and shakily get myself to my feet. I stumble over to the toilet tank and pick up the white stick,I kept my gaze up and then closed my eyes while looking down to where I would see the result. I took in a shaky breath,as soon as I open my eyes I will lay eyes on the decision which will change my life. I snap my eyes open and take in the results with wide eyes

3-4 weeks

I involuntarily let the test drop through my fingers and brought my hand immediately to my mouth,I covered it as josh quickly came to my side helping me sit back down. I felt like I was gunna fall over.....me a mom? Josh's gaze goes to the floor towards the test and I hear him gasp.

Oh yeah...we were gonna be parents!

All the panic I was feeling before josh had entered the bathroom came rushing back to me,I suddenly felt dizzy and my stomach felt queazy (Although that could just be the morning sickness,despite it being not morning. I never understood why they called it morning sickness when it could happen anytime? Ugh hazel focus!)

Joshua's P.O.V.

I gazed down to the floor and almost collapsed as I saw the result,Hazel was pregnant. I saw Hazel looked very dizzy so I immediately guided her back over to the bath to sit down,she looked as if she was about to throw up and honestly the feeling was mutual!

I was going to be a dad?

We both sat on the edge of the bath,not talking just sitting there in silence letting the new sink in. This was so much to consider,we were only 17 well I would be 18 in a week but still it's just....too soon. I turned to Hazel to see her biting down on her bottom lip,she wasn't ready either I could tell.

"What do you wanna do?" I whisper,she started blankly ahead and just simply shook her head.

"I-I -I don't k-know" I sighed heavily then let her fall into my arms,it felt so good just holding her,we needed to think all this though. But first we need to tell her parents....I could tell Hazels dad would flip but some how I think her mom is excited?

Don't ask I dunno why?

I tangle my fingers in hers and grip her hand a little,she sighs and turns her head and pecks me on the lips. I go to deepen the kiss but she pulls back smiling cheekily.

"Hey! Tease!" I snap playfully,she giggles then sticks out her tongue before standing up. I've still got her hand in mine and let her lead me out the bathroom.

"Okay,we should...we should just get this done" she scratched her forehead nervously and sighed before starting to make her way down the stairs,I opened the link and left it open. She needed all the support possible while we were doing this and I would be there for her all the way. I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it quickly before opening the door to the front room.

They both looked on edge and Hazels dad was literally pacing around the room while Her mom was twiddling her thumbs in her arm chair. As soon as they saw me and Hazel the "wolves" descended!

"Hazel! Are you?" Her dads eyes were wide and her mom pounced infront of us.

"Am I going to be a grandma?"

Hazel opened mouth to speak but all I heard was a squeaking sound as she could form any words. I decided to encourage her through the link.

'Come one Hazel,we can do this.' I kept my voice soft and she looked over to me now smiling a little. She sighed again then turned back to her expecting parents.

"I am pregnant" her voice came out as little more than a whisper but her stance and expression were so confident,her voice was the only thing which betrayed her. I looke over to Aaron expecting to see him shaking in anger but to my surprise saw him now sitting on the couch smiling nervously. He looked up at me and met my gaze smiling.

"That's great" he whispered
"I'm just gonna go get some air" he paced passed us and went straight out the front door in silence

"Wait dad" Hazel tried to stop him but he just blanked her out,she blinked away the tears and just pulled away. Her dads opinion meant everything to her and him being upset about this just tore her apart,I saw her run out the same door Aaron left through and I just hoped she was going to talk to him. Before I could run after my mate I was pulled into an intense hug by her mother,she was crying happily an jumping up and down in excitement.

"Ohhh I'm gonna be a grandma! This is great my first grandkid!" She pulled away before I could protest and ran into the kitchen to grab the phone

Yep I could tell most of the pack would know about the baby pretty soon...

A.N/Sorry it's a short chapter,I like writing this story but am really struggling to find the time to update. I'm going to post updates on twitter about when I'll probably be writing,so if you wanna keep up to date follow me! My username is in my bio!

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