Possession of the Alpha (Changes)

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TRIGGER WARNING (This scene contains descriptions of self harm)

Hazels P.O.V

Josh had taken us to a small meeting room I'd never seen before,with red walls,dark wooden flooring and a huge square table with chairs all around it. This was more appropriate for this meeting but I was still confused as to how I hadn't noticed this room before,I'd been living here for a few months and never noticed it....can I be that blind? We all sat down and Josh and Max started,me and Lilly were kind of just sitting there and something suddenly sprang into my mind. What was going to happen with Kasey and Max? They live in different packs! Will Kasey move to NewYork? Will Max move here,no he cant,he's now alpha to the Red Crest Pack,that's means Kasey will have to move. Or Lilly,will Lilly move here or will Chase move to NewYork....ugh it's too confusing! I don't want my friends to move away,I'd miss them all so much,I've gotten closer to Chase since Kasey and him started dating and I would miss him if he left! I didn't even know what I'd do if Kasey left,I would be so miserable without her,I would never stop them from moving because I want them to be happy but it's just gunna suck having them all move away!

It suddenly struck me that everything was going to change,with the wedding,the baby and now with everyone moving and such....things are getting so complicated.


It's been a week since the meeting and Kasey has moved to NewYork with Max,I cried so much when she left,I can't get used to the idea of her not being here. We still Skype and that and Max promises he would bring her down soon to visit and they will both be coming to the wedding which we have decided to have this June ,it's January now so we haven't got long.

We're having a service I'm the woods,where all the pack can access easily,were gunna have an aisle and arches with flowers and things like that,just because I'm sappy like that!

Also because werewolf pregnancy a are only 6 months long by the wedding ill be about 5 months so I'll be.....well I'll be a whale! I'm already gaining weight and the cravings are BAD! Ugh being pregnant is hard! I am looking forward to having the baby now through and me and Josh have already started to think of names!

Anyway yeah Kasey has moved to NewYork and Lilly has moved into our pack so she's with Chase,I love seeing Lilly again I'd missed her so much but I still miss Kasey and I don't think that will ever change,it's weird her not being here. Not that I see Lilly all that much,I mean I'm always out planning the wedding and sorting out catering problems,Josh has done what everyone has told him to do which is stay out of it and let the bride plan her day. Which I like on one hand but on the other,it's his day too so he should be able to have some input,he's just said to me "Plan whatever you want,I want you to have your dream wedding" so really he's no help whatsoever! I've already decided on my bridesmaids,Kasey and Lilly obviously and Sam is going to be Joshs best man.

Sam at the moment is an emotional reck,Brittany was sentenced to death and the other day was beheaded....In the end it was the international Alpha who made the decision,Josh couldn't bring himself to kill Sams mate and Sam was stuck in between choices. He obviously loved Britt with everything he had but she rejected him and whenever he would go down to the cell to visit her she would ignore him...such a lovely girl (Note the sarcasm). Even through at the end I didn't particularly like Britt she was Sams mate and I don't know how he will ever get over her,if Josh died I wouldn't be able to carry on. So far it's been 2 days some she was killed and Sam has looked worse than ever,he's not eating and the bags under his eyes are getting a deeper shade of purple each time I see him! Sam and I have gotten closer since he first met me and I now consider him my friend,so Im going to talk to him,I know whatever I say can't bring her back but I atleast want him to know I'm here and he can come to me for a talk whenever he wants.

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