Possession of the Alpha (Meeting the Guys)

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Joshua's P.O.V

The weekend had gone pretty quickly,me and Hazel spent most of our time in the bedroom. Her heat began to really play up and she was in agony.....I of course being the loving,caring and selfless mate I am was willing to do it as many times as she needed...

It was Monday now and Hazels heat was now starting to die down. It would be her last day of it this month as it only lasts 3 days,but it would start again next month.Hazel and Sam had now sorted things out and they were gonna hang out together later. I was really happy they'd sorted it out,there two of the most important people in my life and I couldn't stand when they didn't get along. Especially since it wasnt Hazels fault that she was in that situation.

Hazel had gone into town with Sam,Kasey and Sams mate Brittany to get pizza. I didn't really have that much to do,as it stands were not under attack from any other pack so I didn't have any alpha business to tend too. The international meeting is 2 weeks from now,so in about a week or so I'll be busy helping with preparations but at the moment I'm free as a bird.

I stood up from my chair in my office and decided to go down to the games room on the ground floor, it's been a few days since I'd met up with the guys and honestly I was kinda missing them. Sam was my closest friend but I did actually have a group of friends,Sam obviously,Kyle,Jake,Morgan and Chase. We'd all been in the same pack since we were pups,so grew up together. We'd been through the tough times,puberty being the hardest! We'd all been Man-Whores at one point so were there to "support" one another. Sam,me, and Jake had found our mates but as of yet the others hadn't,so were still shagging anything that moved!

I waited about a minute or so before the elevator showed up,then clicked the ground button quickly. I was itching to see my boys,it had been a while what with meeting Hazel and everything. I was going to introduce them but what with her still being in heat and having 3 horny unmated friends,I'd wait a few days.

Dont get me wrong,i trust them. I know they wouldn't try anything but still. Females in heat smell...devine. Very hard for us males to resist.

The lift began going down but stopped at the 1st floor,I grimaced dreading who would step in. I'd slept with pretty much every teenage girl in the pack and there's about 40 of them! I nervously bit my lip when Kayleigh stomped in,I had slept with her a few times but of course I never wanted anything more than that. She didn't like that.

This was a while ago though, its so weird to think about my past now. I was a whore. Thats quite trashy actually, I kinda wish I'd waited like Hazel did. The only thing I like about all my experience is the knowledge it has given me. I know how to pleasure a girl,how to drive them wild in bed...how to make them scream.

I felt a smirk pulling at my lips as I processed my own thoughts. It diminished as soon as I remembered Kayleigh in the lift.

She whipped her head to me sharply,after pushing the button to the 4th floor and narrowed her eyes. I averted my gaze upwards but had to look at her once she started speaking.

"Well well well,your mates incredibly lucky to have found you. I'm sure you've changed your ways and are faithful to her yes?" Her voice practically dripped with venom and sarcasm,and the look she was giving me was just as bitter.

I sighed and finally looked at her,she was pretty but Hazel was just...a goddess!

"Hazel is my mate,I have very strong feelings for her so ofcou I'm faithful to her. You and me were nothing serious and I made that clear from start to finr" I kept my voice gentle but gave her a look which told her I was serious. I snickered and shook her head a little.

"A title don't mean shit to you Joshua,I doubt you've changed, you cheated on Stacy plenty of times and you called yourself her boyfriend" she shouted a little and I wasn't going to have that,whether I hurt her or not was irrelevant,I was still her alpha.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now