Possession of the Alpha (Im Coming Out)

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Yes I know,the titles seem to be getting worse,but who cares? It's the story you care about!!!! Not edited,please comment,I could use the feedback,been down lately and really having to force myself to write.

Hazels P.O.V

I sat with my back up against Sams door and my legs pulled up to my chest,my breathing was heavy and my eyes felt tight from where my tears had dried around them. I still couldn't come to terms with what I saw in there,my friend Sam. He's gone through so much and I knew that but he never seemed the type to intentionally inflict pain on himself,he was such a loving person. My chest grew tighter and all I wanted was to collapse in Joshs arms,but I couldnt. Sam doesn't want anyone knowing so I can't tell anyone just yet,if he chooses to confide in them then that's fine but I won't go spreading his business,people already know too much about what's going on.

I know I need to talk to Kyle and Morgan but what I just found out about Sam has left me very shakey and I'm frightened that I'll stand up then promptly fall flat on my face. I slowly crawled into my hands and knees then straightened up and clung onto the side of the wall for dear life,Kyle and Morgan have separate rooms on the same floor but I know for a fact that they sneak into one another's rooms so they will both be in the same place. I started sniffing about for where both their scents were the strongest,I could smell them both faintly from Morgan's room but that might be from yesterday or last night......ummm not even going to attempt to imagine that. I kept going until I found Kyles room and sure enough I could smell both of them and very VERY strongly. I sighed then lifted my hand and knocked gently on the door,I heard shuffling around and whispers telling the other to hide,why bother when any werewolf would hear you? Kyle suddenly opened the door looking very guilty but relaxed as soon as he saw it was me.

"Ohh..." I called over his shoulder "false alarm,it's just Hazel" Morgan suddenly appeared and smiled when he saw me. I smiled back.

"Umm Kyle can I talk to you and Morgan...about your situation" Kyle looked uncertain at first but eventually nodded and stood aside so I could go in.

Kyles room was just like Sams although Kyles was actually clean,I walked over to the bed and sat down waiting for them both to join me. When they did,Morgan slipped his hand into Kyles and I couldn't help but feel a mushy and warm feeling spreading across my chest...it made me so happy seeing them so in love. It was beautiful. They both looked up at me smiling,now more comfortable that they were holding one another.

"I think you guys need to tell them,tell Josh and he'll tell the pack quietly. I will make sure personally that,it's not made into a big deal."

I put my hand over my chest to show them my sincerity but they both looked very frightened. Morgan turned so he was now looking at Kyle and I knew they were discussing it through the link,Morgan stiffened at one point and Kyle let out a sigh. I do hope I haven't caused an argument.

Kyle turned back to me

"Umm I dunno,its...it's just hard to tell people" my heart melted,I knew what he meant....I mean I don't cos I'm not gay...or lesbian. Well gay in my case would be lesbian cos I'm a girl but I'm not....I mean I'm not a lesbian,not that I'm not a girl...cos I am. Jeez I have problems,I'm mentally rambling! I decided I'd put it in literal terms,it might help.

"Okay,but how does it feel being able to be open with me. You two can talk as mates when I'm here because I know....don't you feel relieved?" I pushed abit of hair that had fallen out my bun from my face and bit gently in my lip as I saw their expressions change into slight happiness.

"It feels....good. Like a weight has been lifted" Morgan whispered,he then leant his head on Kyles shoulder and Kyle melted into his touch,I found this adorable!

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now