Possession of the Alpha (Wedding Bells)

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Chases P.O.V

I woke up the following morning with Lilly still naked in my arms,I'd never felt so alive and I realised at that specific moment how much I loved Lilly,how much I'd be willing to sacrifice for her,how willing I'd be to die for her...so this is what true love feels like? I now understood what Joshua has been talking about all these months,having a mate has really changed him and I think that it's done the same thing to me. Josh and Hazels wedding starts in 4 hours so I need to get up and head over to Joshs room to help him prepare,I'm his bestman...it was supposed to be Sam but....now I am it. I gently shook Lilly's shoulder and she slowly fluttered her perfect blue eyes open and bored them up towards mine,she smiled gently and reached up and stroked my cheek.

"Hey you" she whispered,I smiled back and pressed my forehead against hers.

"Morning beautiful,I love you....so so much" she leant in and planted her lips on mine and then pulled back and rested her forehead back on mine.

"I love too...more than you'll ever know" she then rolled out my arms and stands up to grab some clothes,she had to head up to where Kasey was sleeping cos that's where Hazel was too,her and josh had to sleep in separate rooms cos its bad luck for josh to see her before the wedding.

My lips suddenly curled into a smirk one I saw Lilly's naked body...she was so perfect it physically hurt! Her hair was hanging loose and reached her mid back,it was still messy from last night...it was such a turn on. She bent over to grab some underwear from the bottom draw and my eyes almost popped out my head,I involuntarily let out a purr which caused her to turn around and smirk at me. She'd caught on and I think she was loving her new found power over me,she snickered then continued to get dressed. I stood up to grab my suit from the wardrobe and Lilly slipped on her dressing gown,she then took her bridesmaid dress out the closet and turned around to leave. She was getting dressed with Hazel and Kasey so I wouldn't see her until the wedding,I gently pulled her arm and she spun into my lips....that went better than I thought. I pulled back then gently let her go.

"I'll see you later" I whisper, she nodded then skipped out the door.

I sighed then began getting dressed into my suit,I know I've got ages but I still gotta head down to clearing where the ceremony is being held and help make sure everything is set up. Hazel wanted something very similar to Bella and Edwards wedding out of twilight,with all the arches with the flowers and things like that. Very nice in my opinion,when I headed down yesterday afternoon most of it was set up,the chairs,tables,arches,flowers,things like that. All that's gotta be done now is check the catering company has brought all the food,they both chose to have a hot and cold buffet so people could eat what they please,Ive got to check the cake has been delivered and then finally make sure the area where the reception is being held is all set up,spotlights etc.

Lilly is Hazels Maid of Honour so she will be down by the clearing in abit as well,we both have to check everything together and make sure everything is perfect,Lilly will be good at that she's definitely a perfectionist!

My suit is a plain black with a pale blue shirt and dark blue tie,once I'd finished styling my hair and tying my tie I glanced in the mirror and nodded....yep I look good. I was about to leave the room then cussed out loud "shit!" I turned back around and grabbed the little black box on my bedside table with the rings in it. I quickly opened it to check if they're in there and sure enough they were,I let out a breath and put the box securely in my jacket pocket. Thank god! I then closed the door on my way out and began making my way down to the clearing.

Lilly's P.O.V

I ran up to Kaseys room and knocked eagerly on the door,it was 10 o clock and the wedding started at 2 o clock so I had a tight schedule. I had to get myself and hazel ready then go down to the clearing and help Chase oversee everything. Kasey slowly peeked round the door but sighed when she saw it was me,It still was a little awkward between me and Kasey I mean I just found out her and my mate used to date! Recently infact,they slept together...it's weird! I shook that off,I had to get over it for Hazels sake,this is her special day I'm not gunna ruin it. I smiled at her and she stood aside to let me in,I nodded gratefully then stepped in to see a VERY pregnant hazel sitting on the bed,she's obviously just had a shower so her hair was wet. I quickly grabbed the hair dryer and began to brush and blowdry her hair.

I would first help Kasey get Hazel partially ready then I'd get ready myself,then head down,then come back up for 1:40 and make sure hazel was ready and prepared to head down. Sorted!
Kasey was still working on Hazels hair and it was already 11:30 so I decided to get myself dressed. So far Kasey had used a wave wand and hazels blonde hair waved down and sat just under her boobs,Kasey was going to put part of it back and make a small bow from her hair...cool I know! Kasey studied hair and beauty at school so I'm sure hazel is gunna look great! I grabbed my bridesmaid dress and began slipping it on,both mine and Kaseys dressed are emerald and forest green...they are seriously beautiful!

The dress is emerald green and fitted round the breast area,then there's a forest green bit where the dress nips you in at the waist and then the bottom goes straight down like a maxi dress and that is also forest green. The material is flowy and it swishes when I walk...hehe I love it!

I zipped it up then started on my hair,I decided to curl it all and just wear it loose,because my hair is so long it looks stunning when it's curled. Before doing anything I double checked with Hazel because I don't her to think I'm trying to upstage her,she just laughed and said its absolutely fine!

I curled it all which took about and hour,I then styled it so I had my side fringe and my hair was sitting over my shoulders so came to about the bottom of my rib cage. Once I'd done my hair I then began on my make up,I put some face powder on,light eyeliner,mascara and lip gloss,once I'd finished I stood infront of the mirror and gasped...the person standing before me,didn't look like me...she was actually....really pretty. Wow. I quickly wished Kasey luck with hazels hair and that then quickly slid my feet into my forest green strappy heels and began walking to the lift.

Joshua's P.O.V

By 12:30 I was dressed and just going over my vows in my head,I'd been pacing around my office for the last hour and each time I did I felt all the more stressed. This was allot to handle,there's no way I want to flake out I just...it's nerve racking that's all! Me and Hazel had written our own vows and I'd finished them about 4 days ago,it was quite easy for me actually,I just wrote down everything felt for her.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door so stopped pacing and looked up.
"Come in!" I call,a smiling and dressed up Max came in he was wearing a dark grey suit with a black shirt and black tie he looked good.

"You alright man?" He asked and I suddenly felt a very painful stab to my chest...Sam used to say that. I choked back any visible emotion and nodded.

"Yeah...just nervous I guess" he smiled sympathetically.

"You and Hazel are meant to be together...this....it's right" he smiled one final time then turned back to the door an slowly made his way out. He was right...we are meant to be together so why was I nervous? I felt allot better after max said that so simply sat in my chair and again went over my vows...I want everything...everything to be perfect for her.

Lilly's P.O.V

I began walking into the clearing which was literally 5 minutes away from the packhouse and was surrounded by trees,now that the aisle,chair,tables and hanging flowers had been set up it looked amazing! Literally identical to the wedding in Breaking Dawn part 1 but better! I saw staff rushing around setting up centre pieces on the tables in the reception area,that was five minutes away from the ceremony area but still quite close. I walked through the reception area,looking over the tables and all the catering staff setting up the buffet,it all looked fine so I think hazel would be happy.

I almost passed out when I saw hazels choice for the cake...damn that girl has good taste it looked amazing! So artistic,Hazel had asked for a triple layer one with white,red and black criss cross detailing. Hazels favourite movie is the tim burton version of Alice and wonderland so they did a kind of mad hatter thing! The cake had white backing,with red and black diamond cross cross patterns,then it had black and white hearts placed over some of the pattern,then finally on top was a large hat (the mad hatters hat) stunning!

I sighed then continued over to the ceremony area,people were still running around sorting details out and I suddenly melted when I heard the most beautiful voice float to my ears. My eyes met Chase telling a few guys where roughly the Lillie's should be (yes Hazel wanted Lillie's because it was my name....awww what a sweetie!) the guys rushed off and he suddenly looked up at me.

His eyes became very wide and his lips curled into a stunning smile,I smiled back then continued walking until I was face to face with him. He takes my body with his eyes and then puffed out some air
"You look....so beautiful....so....there's no words" I cheekily looked him over and felt myself smirk,he looked hot in a suit man! I wrapped my arms round his neck then whispered with my forehead resting on his.

"Thankyou...you look pretty gorgeous yourself" with that we both smiled and I leaned in and pressed my lips on his,I intended it to be a light peck but cheeky Chase deepened the kiss and I willingly responded. He lightly licked my bottom lip asking for access,to his dismay I didn't grant it,he growled a little which made me smirk against him. He slowly slid his hand down and lightly groped my ass which made me gasp,he took this opportunity to slip his tongue in...the....thief! I gladly gave in and responded with my tongue,we fought for dominance but of course he won. I eventually felt myself running out of air so reluctantly pulled out,he smirked at me and I couldn't help but bite my lip and blush a little.

He bit down on his lip also which made him look incredibly sexy,then smirked at me again
"So,did you wanna talk about last night or?" I'm so glad he said that! I've been dying to ask him a few things,mainly about if I was bad or good or...whatever. I nervously bit my lip and nodded slowly,I looked around quickly,everything was good and going to plan so I took chases arm and dragged him over to one of the rows of chairs and sat down. I turned to face him and I suddenly felt sick...I dunno what to say.

"How about we start with how was it for you?" He said smirking,I furrowed my eyebrows then shook it off...nah just coincidence...it was kinda like he heard me. He crossed his arms and smirked once more.

"It's cos I did...the link had kicked in so I can hear your thoughts,once you mark me you'll be able to hear mine too" he sounded so proud of himself and I smiled remembering how my mark looked,it's beautiful. It's covered by my hair today but its picture is stunning,it's a silhouette of a wolf looking up to some stars...really pretty. I sighed then voiced what I wanted to know.

"Was i...ummm at least decent?" I bit my lip nervously and suddenly all the emotion and love I saw last night reappeared on his face,he leant forward and gently strokes my heats cheek.

"Lilly,you were unbelievable....amazing....I've never felt so much pleasure in my life" he whispered the last bit which only made me giggle all the more,he was adorable. I pecked him quickly

"Thankyou.." I nervously played with my hair "...you were....perfect...heaven" I looked up to see him smirking and immediately regretted saying that.

"I know" I snickered then quickly pecked him one more time,I looked down at my cell phone which I'd slid into my strapless bra,the dress was strapless also so I could easily get my phone if I needed to. It was 1:30! Shit! I jumped off the chair and begin running up to the packhouse again,I simply told chase in my head where I was going and hoped he actually heard me!

I ran as fast as I could in my heels then quickly stopped in the even stir mirror to check I still looked okay,I did so I then ran over to Kaseys room and knocked once again. Kasey opened the door yet again but this time my mouth fell to the floor....she looked stunning. Her chocolate brown hair all curled and swept to the side,her feature brought out with natural makeup and her curvy figure highlighted with the tight fitting bits of the dress...stunning! I smiled at her then slid past to see hazel,again I almost passed out!

Hazels hair had been waves,half swept back then a little now sat a over the rest of her beautiful golden hair,her makeup was also natural but she had eyeliner on her top lid as well as her bottom which made her beautiful green eyes pop! Her dress had thin straps and nipped in just under her boobs then flared out so her bump wasn't that visible,she looked perfect. The dress had lace and beautiful gemstones all over the breast part then as it went down flowed out in beautiful swishy material. She looked like a model or even an angel! I suddenly felt my eyes getting damp so reached for a tissue from the nightstand,she giggled as I cussed under my breath.

"Crap my mascara!" I whined

"Good then?" She asked sarcastically,I nodded then quickly waved at her to hug me.
"I love you lills" she whispered,I smiled against her and kisses her cheek.

"Love you too Hazel!" I pulled back and held her hands in mine "come on Hazel...lets get you married" I laughed,she nodded then began waddling towards the door. Me and Kasey grabbed our flowers,which were Lillie's (hehe) and followed behind her.

Joshua's P.O.V

Chase came up to meet me in my room about 1:45 and we began walking down to the clearing,the packhouse was empty as all the pack were already out in their seats waiting for us. All the pack stared as I walked infront of the crowd and stood in my place,father David was doing our service and while I waited for Hazel to arrive me and him spoke a little.

Hazels P.O.V

Just as I left the packhouse and heading up to the clearing I felt a pair of hands wrap round my shoulder and I immediately jumped when I smelt who it was,I turned around and wrapped my arms around their neck.
"Daddy!" He snickers a little then whispers to me

"You look beautiful hunny,we better go" I sigh and look back at Kasey and Lilly who were now smiling widely as they knew soon I would be Mrs Hazel Parks....damn I never thought about that! I nodded and slipped my hand around my dads arm and begin walking up to the clearing,we had to stop before we could actually see the crowd,but the security guards saw us and sent a message to the music crew that we were here and they could now play our song.

Josh wanted to choose our song and I gladly let him as I did everything else,this will be the first time I hear what he chose so I really hope he chose a nice one! The music suddenly a started and I felt tears well in my eyes as the beautiful piano introduction filled my ears "iris" sung by Kellin Quinn,oh god this is perfect..right now...this is everything I've always wanted.

Josh's P.O.V

I smiled to myself as my chosen song began playing through the speakers,I knew she's like it and this song said everything I felt...it was perfect. I faced the aisle as the priest told the crowd to stand,my heart was racing and I was anticipating seeing my beautiful bride. Suddenly my heart stopped and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven as a beautiful angel dressed in white began making her way towards me,Hazel looked unbelievable,her perfect face famed by her golden locks and the smile I fell in love with plastered onto her face...I was about to marry my bestfriend,my mate,my other half,everything I've always wanted...any minute she would be mine forever.

I watched her every step closely then finally made eye contact,her eyes were slightly glossy with tears but her smile never seemed to drop,Kellin continued to blast through the speakers

And I don't want the world to see me
Cos I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Suddenly hazel stopped beside me and Kisses her dad lightly on the cheek,he quickly reached out and placed hazels hand from his to mine,meaning "she's yours now" I held it tightly and smiled as Hazel but her lip trying to contain her excitement.

Father shushed the crowd then began...

Finally it got to our vows
"The couple have written their own vows,Alpha.." He looked at me and my heart began racing as I couldn't remember my vows,suddenly my mouth began moving without me even thinking.

I looked into Hazels eyes and began pouring my heart out.
"Hazel,all my life I've been lost,I never knew who I truly was.Without a father or a mother to guide me I felt alone and I didn't think that feeling would ever go away,but then I set eyes on the most beautiful rouge I've ever seen and that was it.......I was a goner! You have changed my life Hazel Olivia Jones,you've made me happier than I ever thought possible. I love you Hazel,so so much,you'll never truly know just how much I would do to ensure your happiness. I thank tatiana le moon every night for blessing me with heavens most beautiful angel. I love you." I blinked a couple of times and notices that hazel had tears welling in her eyes and I felt some stinging mine aswell.

The priest turned to Hazel and prompted her to now say hers. She nodded and gulped as she prepared herself. "Joshua,I'd been waiting for so long to find the one that I was destined to be with and when I did it hit me like a ton of bricks. I never knew being so in love with someone so perfect was even possible for a girl like me,everyday you make me thankful I'm alive. Without you I wouldn't be half of what I am today..."she pointed down to her pregnant belly and giggled a little through the joyful tears falling down her face" ...literally! I'm so lucky,I'm marrying my bestfriend,I love you more than words can describe and I know for a fact that I will always love you" I had to swallow as a lump was now forming in my throat,I loved Hazel so so so much.

With that it was time for the rings,I turn to Chase and he steps forward handing me the small black box with both rings sitting in it. I took Hazels ring and gently slid it onto her finger while repeating the words father said,Hazel then did the same to me and then smiled once shed done.

We knew what was next.

"With the power invested in me,I know pronounce you Husband and Wife,you may kiss the bride."

Hazels P.O.V

My face was aching with all the smiling I was doing and I continued to smile when father said this immortal words "you may kiss the bride".

Me and Josh both leant forward and he swiftly wrapped his arms around me just as I put my arms round him,I pressed my lips on his and relished this moment for as long as possible before it becoming inappropriate. We both unwillingly pulled back then I took his hand in mine and we walked down the aisle beaming brightly. These were our first steps as husband and wife.

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