A HUGE Thankyou!

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Hi guys, I know its weird me writing yet another thing that isnt a chapter (especially since this story ended like 2 months ago) and for that I am sorry but I wanted to thank you all for reading Possession of the Alpha.

This story has now over 40k reads!

I can't believe it and I am so incredibly grateful!  I literally spend all my time online so I get really excited when I see I have even MORE reads on this story.  I had no idea I would get this many reads, I mean what so ever! I got excited when I hit 100 reads and now im at over 40k, its unreal! 

Im sorry im dragging this out but I seriously cannot express my gratitude to each and every one of you, enough! You're all amazing and have made this girl very very happy. 

If you liked Possession of the Alpha then please comment what parts you loved best, what you think I could improve, or anything else! Id love to hear your feedback (as I said im online all the time...so apparently I have no life! yeah that would make me happy)

Read the sequel!

Another request which im sorry for because you've all already done so much is please could you guys follow me? I have some other books going on which you guys may like?

A Kellin Quinn fan fiction (I am a HUGE SWS fan!)

The sequel to P.O.T.A

and yup thats it!

Please follow me? Ill give you virtual hugs and love you forever?

Thankyou so much guys,thankyou for taking time to read my story and listen to constant begging! I love you all and appreciate your reads!


Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now