Chapter 1: Who's That?

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Just a heads up, y/n stands for your name:)
beep, beep, beep
You wake up confused. The annoying alarm clock had gone off. "This is so not happening." you whisper to yourself. Maybe if I close my eyes, it will be summer again, you think. So you close your eyes.
beep, beep, beep
"You have got to be kidding me", you bickered.
"Y/N! Could you turn that thing off!" Shouts your mother from her bedroom.
"Trying", you hissed.
"Watch your attitude young miss!" Orders your mother.
You get out of bed irritated. You walk over to your closet. "Need something new, something cute", you decide.
45 Minutes Later
"Ok mom! I'm leaving now!" You shout across the room. Before hearing a response, the bus pulls up to your house. You quickly run out the door.
The bus is crowded and smelly. So not much has changed. You quickly eye your best friend Kamryn in the 4th seat up from the back. You quickly rush up to her, and sit down next to her.
"Hello official 8th grader!" She says to you.
You chuckle.
"Omg y/n, you will never believe what I just heard!" Kamryn boomed.
You wait for her to tell you in anticipation.
"Jacob Sartorius has moved and he will be going to our school!" Kamryn cheered. "Isn't that insane!"
"Jacob who?" You ask in confusion.
"What do you mean Jacob who?!" Kamryn says furious. "He's the guy that I obsess over 99.9% of the time!" She squeals.
"Oh. That guy." You respond.
End of chapter 1!
Hope you are enjoying it so far:)

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