Chapter 4: Insta Caption

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You get back on the bus to go home. Your mind is racing with all that happened today. Your thoughts are interrupted by Kamryn.
"Omg, so he actually talked to you!" Kamryn bursted.
"Uh, yes", you say simply.
"How do you get him to talk to you! Give me pointers!" She said eagerly.
"I don't know... he just kinda talked to
"OMG! A famous hot guy has a crush on MY best friend!" Kamryn squealed.
"Well he gave me his number", you tell her.
"No way! What is it!" She asked in excitement.
You knew you weren't suppose to tell her what his number was.
"Well, he said he'd text me, so I don't know yet." You reply
That should buy you some time.
The bus stops. You delightfully run into your house.
"MOM GUESS WHAT", you shout to her.
You and your mom are very close.
"What honey?" She asked as she swept the floor.
"Ok, so there is this new guy at our school, and he is like internet famous, and he asked for my number and he's going to text me!"
"That's great honey!" She said as she threw the dirt from the dust pan into the garbage.
"So, what's his name?" She asks
"Jacob", you reply
"And what about his last name?" She asks eagerly
"Sartorius", you answer.
"Hmm... y/n Sartorius. It's got a nice ring to it." She says
"Mom!" You say embarrassed. "I don't even think he thought of me as anything more than a friend. I think he just wants to be friends." You explain.
Your mother rolls her eyes jokingly and walks out of the room with the broom and dust pan. You run upstairs and into your room. You pounce on your bed, and stare at your phone waiting for a text. You stay starring for a good solid 5 minutes, until you get bored, Skype decided to check your social medias.
First you check snapchats.
Snapchat from Kamryn
Don't really want to answer you think.
Snapchat from Alex B.
This annoying kid who was in your homeroom last year. You don't answer him either.
Then you check Instagram. Nothing new. Except Jacob posted a new picture. The only reason you are following him is cause Kamryn made you. But now, you almost feel like it was faith. The caption was
"I got my eye on you😍"
Which wasn't a surprise for Jacob, he always had cute little sayings on his posts. But for some odd reason, you felt like he was talking about you.

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