The news

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Why am I surprised? I should have known. It was that obvious and yet, the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind.

Or had it?

I stare at Katniss with an open mouth. I need to say something. The look on her face shows she’s scared and …. And something else? I can’t tell what it is.

“You’re pregnant?” I ask in shock.

“Yes Peeta,” she whispers and starts twisting her fingers together. “Yes I’m pregnant.”

“Oh,” I say dumbly. I’m in shock.

“Say something Peeta,” Katniss almost begs.  “Just, say something.”

“Katniss love, I think I’m in shock.”

Now she looks a bit worried.

“You’d better sit down.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Katniss sits beside me as my brain goes a hundred miles per hour. Two words keep repeating in my head.

“She’s pregnant, she’s pregnant, she’s pregnant.”

Finally, I’m able to form verbal words.

“You’re pregnant.”

Katniss nods with her lips in a firm line.

“You’re pregnant with my baby, real or not real?”

“Of course that’s real Peeta,” Katniss snorts. “Who else could the father be? Haymitch?”

This makes me smile and finally my brain stops speeding with thoughts.

I’m going to be a father.

My hands shoot out and I pull Katniss onto my lap quickly. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck.

“I’m going to be a father,” I whisper into her skin.

“Yes Peeta, you are.”

“I’m going to be a father!” I whoop and crush Katniss to me. I find myself laughing and crying at the same time.

Katniss begins to laugh with me as I stand up with her in my arms. I practically start bouncing up and down as I think about it.

“We’re going to have a baby.”

I kiss Katniss hard before whooping again. I make a break for the door, but Katniss steps in front of me.

“Where do you think you’re going Mr Mellark?”

“To see Haymitch. To see anyone I suppose,” I try to dart around her but her arms shoot out.

“Peeta,” she speaks calmly. “I know you’re excited and all, but I kind of need you to just hold me right now. I feel numb.”

Guilt and shame nearly knocks me off my feet.

“Oh Katniss. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, but please, just hold me.”

I take her hand and pull her back to the couch. I lay down on my side and Katniss lays down beside me, curled into my chest.

We sit in a brief silence for a moment before I speak.

“How’d they figure it out? The doctors?”

“It took them about 2 minutes to know,” she chuckles. “I saw the doctor, explained my symptoms and she took a quick test.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. Not trying to be dramatic, but I nearly fainted.”

“I should have gone with you,” I say as the thought hits me. “I should have been there.”

Katniss kisses my check before resting her head on my outstretched arm again.

“I asked you not to, remember?”


“Peeta, we didn’t know.”

“About that,” I say nervously. “Now I’m thinking about it, I think I did. I just, buried the thought or something.”

“Same,” Katniss admits. “Come to think of it, it’s not that surprising. We’ve been going at it like wild teenagers for a few weeks now.”

“How long have you been pregnant?”

“The nurse said about 4 weeks.”

The thought ticks over in my head. She’s been pregnant for four weeks.

“So the baby’s due in?” I try to do the maths, but my brain refuses to think.

“Well it’s November now,” Katniss queries. “So if it takes nine months, I guess the baby will be due in….. August next year.”

I kiss the top of her head before laying my cheek on the top of her head. 

"I can't wait," I tell her.

"Me neither," she admits. "I'm just a little.... Shocked..... and scared..."

"I'll help you through it," I assure her.

"You better," she thumps my arm gently. "If you run off on me, I'll go Hunter Girl on you and you won't know what happened."

I start laughing and she joins in soon after.

Then I go into the kicthen and fix our lunch, my heart beating fast and my head talking loudly.

I'm going to be a father. 

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