The Newly Wedded

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*One week later*

“I can’t wait for them to finally get back!” Katniss squeaks when she reads the letter.

“What does it say?” I kiss her forehead.

“Let me read it out loud while you play with Prue,” she tells me and kisses me back.

I sit down next to Prudence who’s already strong enough to hold her head up and now even sit on her own. I start building blocks with her as Katniss reads aloud.

“To my darlings Katniss and Peeta Mellark and of course, little darling Prudence, we are now in District 4, our final destination of our honeymoon and I am writing to you now to tell you that we’ll be home by next Tuesday.”

“Wait,” I interrupt. “When was the letter written?”

“Last Tuesday so we have four days to prepare for their return.”

Prue’s stack of blocks falls over and her face is so devastated that I have to scoop her into my arms and blow raspberries on her cheeks. Katniss continues reading.

“As you may have known, we visited the Capitol first followed by District 7 where we met up with Johanna Mason. She’s now one the chief soldiers and she’s looking very well. She sends her love and congratulates you on the birth of Prudence Mellark. So yes, here we are. District 4. Haymitch is quite the charmer I might add. He opened up to me a night ago and let all his pain come out. He is so strong and I marvel at him for that. We’re staying with Annie and her son Percy Finn. He’s very cute and well mannered for a boy, if I do say so myself. Now, I must prepare for a romantic stroll on the beach my darlings so take care and see you on Tuesday. Love and kisses! Effie Trinket.”

I laugh at the humour of it.

“A romantic stroll on the beach huh?” I nudge Katniss who’s now sitting beside me with Prue on her lap. “They sound like lovebirds.”

“Oh let them be,” she says playfully as Prudence tugs on her hair. “We were smitten to remember?”

“Mmhmm. You don’t have to remind me.”

This gets me a sly smile and a wink that makes my heart skip a beat.

Under Mrs Everdeen’s command, we organize and welcome home party for the happy couple. Katniss rang Plutarch who seems to be a expert on what Effie would like and after much consulting, an arrangement was made.

Since they would arrive at dusk, the couple will be led to Haymitch’s where a surprise party will be held complete with performers and fire works. We agreed not to go to overboard for Haymitch’s sake.


The day comes and whilst Katniss takes the car to pick them up, I gather everyone into the backyard and hand out handfuls of rice. We never gave them a proper celebration when we found out. Holding Prue onto my hip, we all hush each other as we hear the car pull into the driveway. We’d organized it so that they’d have to come in through the back door so when the married couple walked into the backyard, we all shouted a big surprise.

Effie started laughing and Haymitch pretended to be bored. Prudence giggled and clapped her chubby hands as the rice was thrown and I had to dust it from her hair to stop it getting in her eyes.

I hug Effie who takes Prue from me and starts bouncing her as I shake Haymitchs hands. We don’t say anything, but I can see the look of happiness in his eyes.


“Hurry up Effie!” We all yell as she runs for the house.

“I’m sorry, but I have to get my camera before you start lighting them!” she sings back.

Everyone’s gathered in the backyard for the firework show which apparently is very amazing. Effie zips into the house for her camera just as the man lights a match.

While she’s still inside, I notice that he hasn’t put it out.

“Just put it out!” I yell at him over the chattering crowd. “She’ll be ages now.”

“What?” he yells back.

“Put it out!”

But it’s to late. The fire licks at his fingers and as a reflex, he drops the match. And that’s when things go horribly wrong.

The match falls into a cartoon of fireworks that were put aside and not yet set up.

They explode in all directions.

I grab Katniss’s shoulder and yank her to the ground. I nestle a now crying Prudence between botch our chests and hover over them. I keep my eyes on Katniss’s.

Everyone’s screaming as they continue to go off. I see one hit a tree and catch fire. I see one hit a person and I have to look away. Following Katniss’s lead, I begin to sing Deep in the Meadow to calm Prue down.

After god knows how many minutes, it all goes quiet. Until Haymitch screams that is.

“EFFIE!” he yells.

The house is on fire. 

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